Help with cutting power at 20A

Hello guys,

I was testing my build today and encountered some issues while trying to get foiling. The first thing I noticed during the pool test was that if I pressed the trigger in 8th gear (using a Fero remote, maximum gear), the VESC shuts down and restarts.


  • FS 65161 100kv motor
  • FS VESC6 60V200A (updated to the latest firmware, no hardware limits)
  • BATTERY: 18650 Samsung cells, 12S18P 63Ah (capable of delivering 150A)

The settings in the VESC are basic. I ran motor detection and everything went as planned (without the prop on). Here are the current settings:

  • Motor max current: 170A
  • Absolute max current: 220A
  • Brake current: -20A
  • Battery max current: 150A
  • Absolute max current: 180A
  • Brake current: -20A

I tried both current control with no reverse and duty control with no reverse, but neither worked as expected.

@flytomaz suggested that I set the motor current to 140A and the battery current to 150A since he had a similar issue. The difference was that the ESC did not restart, but when I got to 20-24A (while planning on the board at around 8km/h), the motor made a weird noise as if it had hit something (it hadn’t; it has to be a VESC issue) and then lost power.

I think I once saw a post about the Flipsky 60V200A VESC having problems with wrong resistors, but I can’t find it anywhere.

In conclusion: The motor cuts power at around 20-24A. What can I change in the VESC tool that might fix this?

Thank you!

Is the phase filter disabled?

Yeah, phase filtering is off.

Do you guys think i should turn on Slow ABS current limit?

First of all, connect your laptop or Bluetooth module with smartphone to VESC, create logs and read the error code.

The battery current is lower than the motor current, so try setting the motor current higher, up to 200A, which is the recommended maximum for the FS 65161.

Compare your settings with mine, which are tested and work very well:

Are my VESC settings the best for maximum performance? FS 65161, FS 75200, 16S 11P - Build, Repair & Mod -

Have you tried switching from FOC to BDLC?

@lukmo Report the solution for otherd to know if they have same problem.

Hello, flytomaz is right, i should have done that sooner, but i was tight with time.

So like @rttn suggested I wanted to run the motor wizard again, but when i was removing FR prop, i saw that my pin locking up the propeller was in 3 pieces. I managed to remove prop and run the wizard and set up all the settings again and bam I’ve put new pin there and everything is working. The feeling of efoiling for first time was amazing, I think I am addicted :slight_smile: .
@rttn and @flytomaz thank you both for saving my build. @Pavel I used most of your suggested settings and its working great, thank you.