Hybrid Foils Nano Pod DIY

Hi Jezza,

Done. Have uploaded the file here:




Done. See link below. Cheers

I believe Its actually the Foil drive motor which is produced by Saite, but not branded as FoilDrive. Purchased directly from them.

Many thanks! Got one done for the axis 16mm mast too.

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Do you think it would be possible to print the green part in TPU and still give the same effect?
Taking it one more step I have a Naish mast which is 15mm wide, printing the Axis19mm design and then putting it on on the Naish mast with some dental silicone to get it to fit.
I’m not very good at CAD design, but if I gave myself a good solid kick up the ass, then I think I could modify the Axis design and then just print TPU. It is your design though would that be okay by you?
It’s just fantastic.

Solid kick in the ass achieved. I used a regular old scanner to scan the Naish profile in, traced it and extruded it etc… Need to print and test.

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