iLogger - Micro SD, GPS, WIFI, CAN, Tool App


Right now you can export the log once uploaded online. Exported data types are Json, CSV, XLSX…

You can then process the exported data as you wish. I’m not sure about Vesc tool, I will have to look at it.

It seems that the Forgot password feature on Login | WavRX - Dashboard for Infinity Projects has broken. When I click Forgot password the browser renders just a white page. Same in Incognito mode.

Thanks for the report, going to try to fix it today. Also a new update is coming to iLogger and the app. Stay tuned for that.

Still broken. I get this in the browser console.

Let me know if you want help to solve this. Been working with web apps for 20 years or so.

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Sorry I didn’t get the chance to work on it yesterday. I fixed it now. Please give it a try and let me know :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks! Web apps are definitely not my strongest point but I’m learning.

Great! Works fine! Thanks a lot!

Hello i try to contact wavrx about illoger update but no news from him since october i don’t understand why…

Same here. No replies to my PMs. He was working on some bugfixes that I reported but never pushed the fix.

I have now tried to reach the project owner a few times, with no luck. FW still does not have many of the features that were advertised already a few years ago. I ordered a Metr CAN + SD unit.

I still hope to get the iLogger running some day.