Just introducing myself. Keen for foil assist tow boogie etc

Soooo, long time lurker. Just thought I’d introduce myself before I get everyones backs up bowling in and asking a load of questions…
I have previously been completely immersed in the electric skateboard scene firstly making fibreglass enclosures for skateboards and more recently making off-road electric skateboards. I have a reasonable understanding of vesc and batteries etc. I have made a lot of batteries. 6s to 18s.
Having just cracked wing foiling I’m keen to see if I can expand my foiling world.
Some years back a few of us cobbled together an E-foil which worked but wasn’t very polished and kinda got forgotten about. Also am working on a bigger electric vehicle currently with another friend but that’s kinda in stasis at the moment too.
Being a surfer, I think making a tow boogie and foil assist would be great projects.
Just seen flipsky make the waterproof version of the 6384 which I used load of in the skateboards, also they seem to do a remote which looks like it might be similar to the maytech offering.?
Anyhow… Time to get my head down and start reading…


Ye, go on do a foil-assist.

I did with a transparent box like many here using 6384. 12s3p. BLHeli ESC .Here
Now doing flat printed box to be placed as an add-on on top of the board in the center of lift.
I have ordered the Flipsky 6374 waterproof, will see how it does.
Using the Flipsky remote, but need to take care about it being waterproof.

Now trying to learn wing using the foil-assist. It helps for sure to tow me upwind, but will see if I manage for it really help me get up on foil.

Currently the board is 105L, later on I have to change to smaller one in order to learn pumping.

Interesting idea to use the foil assist for winging.
I think I’d just practice winging as normal and go out in the right conditions.
My idea for foil assist is to use it to foil some small unbroken lumps when there’s little wind.
And a boogie for when there’s neither. :crazy_face:

Welcome to the forum!

I started by building a foil assist and then tow boogie because of so many awesome, very smart people here sharing their knowledge and ideas. I personally only use my foil assist when there is no winds and surf is big. If it’s head high or less and no winds I tow boogie. I find managing the tow boogie in larger conditions is challenging and I spend too much time worrying about it. I can’t speak highly enough on the tow boogie and it’s my go to if there’s no wind in the forecast. If it’s bigger waves I pray for winds, because I prefer winging over all of it, but if it’s smaller waves I pray for no wind to tow boogie.

It’s all gonna be really personal to you. How far do you have to drag something to the water, is there a lot of people surfing your area, etc… I don’t take my tow boogie anywhere near people in the water if I am not friends with them.


My idea with the boogie is first for flat water to get towed up onto the foil and try for better and better pumping. Then to take it for sure where there’s 100% no people out surfing. We get situations here where the tides are never really big enough on neaps for a swell to break so no one will be surfing.
With a foil I still think there’s an option to have some fun.