Lift Jet - Jet propulsion for Lift eFoils?

I think we referring to 2 different elements.

  • The prop has the stainless insert.
  • The duct has a secondary seal which is not stainless. Its a ceramic/rubber seal. It can just be pulled out if you need to.

I think your suggestion is valid assuming you are willing to alter the original product.

@gazlinux has indicated he doesn’t want to alter the original so has come up with a plan to get it working using his skill set.

I don’t possess the skill or tools required to do what Gary is doing so I might have to resort to a simpler approach such as the one you suggest.

The photo of Gary’s that you reference is the Lift duct pressed up against the “bump” on the 65161 motor. That position partially blocks the pin hole in the shaft of the motor so he is creating something to deal with that - exact details to follow.

If I can alter the centre ring of the duct piece enough so it can reveal the shaft pin hole to the point where I can mount the prop AND alter
the prop through hole so that I can get a locking nut on the end of the shaft the only issue left for me would be the attachment of the duct to the motor.

I am however a bit reluctant to alter the original $400 US product before I know it works with a 65161 motor. So I’m going to be patient while Gary works through things and be as supportive as I can to him as he has made the financial commitment to buy the product

I abandoned this approach because it doesn’t appear to be enough room to get a wrench or socket in place secure a nut if you expose the shaft through the enlarged hole

Its 90mm :metal: :metal:

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Again thanks for the info!

I’m not clear on the 2mm clearance part.

Do you mean the end of the impeller hole would be too small to get a nut on and tighten it

or there is only 2mm between end of 65161 shaft and the inside face of center of the gating on the rear section of duct or….

I know you are explaining yourself properly, I’m just thick headed when it comes to visualizing. :grinning:

Actually no need to respond. You are more than busy enough sorting this out and I will wait for the stl and all we be clear. Sorry!

Just a thought since this jet drive is nothing but a ducted fan there is a duct for the Flipsky motor on thigiverse why not make it a bit longuer and add a grid at the back and maybe write “Flite Jet” on the side to further convince the cops that’s it’s a jet for place where only jets are legal… The whole thing look exactly like this Lift jet but use the Flite prop that we know and love. I’m not very good at CAD design but surely this would be doable.

Good idea but I tried experimenting with that and the results were not good with the Flite prop as it seems to have trouble with any duct other that perhaps the one that comes with their kit. There have been several threads with poor performance and as soon as the duct was removed it solved the problem.

I started with one of the ducts posted here and added another ring at the inlet to increase the gating.
I then created a cone with gating that overlapped the outlet end of the duct. It just slid over and I taped it on for prototype.

The result was that I had to go to full throttle with the Flite prop and was only able to get 10kmh. NOT GOOD to say the least. I came to shore quickly and discovered that the thrust had blown the gating out of the cone part.

It’s likely possible to get this concept working with a different prop but I had exhausted my patience on this so just went back to Flite prop only and have been busy foiling!:grinning:

My logic is if the Lift product works with the 65161 motor and it’s already “approved”
in Canada as it has been deemed to be a “non open prop” then it’s reasonable to assume you would have a valid defense in either not getting the ticket or win in court.

Fair enough I didn’t know you had tried that. Indeed the prop with the Lift kit is probably optimized to work with that duct so that’s a good plan. I will keep following… so far I haven’t been bothered by the police and I am hoping efoils are legalized soon and I never have to get a jet…

The people commenting on this video are all saying it’s not legal in Canada because it’s not a real jet… I’m not sure where they get that info.

This is posted on the Canadian Efoil group by a reputable source who is affiliated with Lift.

It’s not that Jet drives are deemed legal it’s because they are deemed to NOT to be prop which the current Canadian regulation prohibits. The reg is under review and supposedly will be updated soon but the opinion is the prohibition on open props is likely to remain.

The same logic has been applied to several brands such as Fliteboard and Waydoo etc. that offer “jet drive” products

I don’t really want to ride with a jet either but if I’m in Canadian waters I want to be able to go out if the reg starts getting enforced. As far as
I know the number of tickets given out so far have been few but they are in the $400 range which sort of pays for the jet drive.


Gary - can you provide an update on your progress?


Major delay – I found out that my motor shaft threading is corrupted from once having a very loose prop long ago. Now trying to get Flipsky to send me a new rotor assembly for the motor as apparently they say that its hard to replace just the shaft? Unfortunately, learning of this thread issue stopped me in my tracks (because I can’t thread the coupler extension onto my shaft to test the design). Its going to be months before I have an update.

That’s unfortunate. Could you use a die to freshen the threads?

Yes, I am planning to try that next week