Need help for foil assist in a backpack


I would like to build my foil assist, and put it in a backpack. I need a light system. Which parts do you advise ?
Flipsky 6384 ?
Which battery configuration ?

If you have a link on the forum with this system, I take it :slight_smile: I saw a lot of foil assit on the board, but didn’t find in a backpack.

Thanks and sorry for my basic english :slight_smile:

Yes, search “on the body” on the forum, there are people that do like this.
We are building here such a setup as well in 1120 pelican.
Use standard configuration - 6384/6374 , 160A quadcopter esc 12s3p etc.
You can open a built thread and will communicate there

Thanks (I searched with “backpack” and no result)