I’ve seen foil drive gen 2 riders out having a blast at my local, I wish to join them but can’t afford the price tag. I’m an experienced wing foiler & surfer, but not prone foiling.
My first attempt will be a classic bolt on, I appreciate this has been done many times before but its my first foray into hobby electronics. I have done a small amount of 3D printing at my local library, so could do that or might investigate setting up my own printer.
My requirements are:
85kg rider
85L mid length board to start, hopefully on a smaller prone board in future
axis art v2 939 foil
ability to efoil to get out the back, but primary use is foil assist
My planned parts list:
flipsky 6384 waterproof motor
flipsky VX3 pro remote
80A flycolour flydragon ESC (this is the part I am the least confident about).
12s2p or 10s3p battery made by a local builder. He said he could make it out of multiple 10s1p batteries so it could be split up and transported.
waterproof housing (any waterproof aluminum options that easily dump heat?)
Any glaring issues with this plan? From what I understand, two of the big issues are overheating and water-tightness of the box.
The battery builder said he would be using:
LG HE2 Cells 2500 mAh 20A in the 18650 package, with a BMS.
He hasn’t built them for this exact application but has built packs for ebikes and eskate.
For the ESC, I can see that there are numerous options within each model, 80A up to 160A, would you recommend going for something like 120A?
On your original build I see you used a box mounted on top, how did you keep the unit from overheating, or is that not an issue as long as you aren’t trying to constantly efoil around?
Hey, are you in Christchurch? I am, and I’ve just finished an Assist Box style build and also a Tow Boogie, both in need of good testing and improvements. I started in a similar position to you with hobby builds etc. I’ll PM you.
I just ordered my motor, prop and remote from flipsky. For others who want to get flipsky gear, I emailed them asked them for a discount and they gave me 10% straight away.