Hey team,
I’ve seen foil drive gen 2 riders out having a blast at my local, I wish to join them but can’t afford the price tag. I’m an experienced wing foiler & surfer, but not prone foiling.
My first attempt will be a classic bolt on, I appreciate this has been done many times before but its my first foray into hobby electronics. I have done a small amount of 3D printing at my local library, so could do that or might investigate setting up my own printer.
My requirements are:
- 85kg rider
- 85L mid length board to start, hopefully on a smaller prone board in future
- axis art v2 939 foil
- ability to efoil to get out the back, but primary use is foil assist
My planned parts list:
- flipsky 6384 waterproof motor
- flipsky VX3 pro remote
- 80A flycolour flydragon ESC (this is the part I am the least confident about).
- 12s2p or 10s3p battery made by a local builder. He said he could make it out of multiple 10s1p batteries so it could be split up and transported.
- waterproof housing (any waterproof aluminum options that easily dump heat?)
Any glaring issues with this plan? From what I understand, two of the big issues are overheating and water-tightness of the box.