Prone to Dual Boogie Conversion

Thank you everyone who’ve I’ve read questioned etc… everyone has been great! And @pacificmeister for putting this site up!!

Working on a dual boogie converted from a step tail prone board (41L). To reuse items here to save me time are a portion of a proto type carbon mast that I was working on and a used prone board. The time save was to secure the motor pods to the mast and the mast to the foil tracks. The board has duel divinycell h80 stringers that are reenforced with biaxal carbon , plus 9oz uni on the step and rails so it’s over built… The plan is to connect the tow rope to the trailing edge of the foil boxes (details TBD).

Where I need advise:

  1. Need a good propeller STL for fixed 3 blade …Will the spacing on the motors need to be wider? currently 24cm on center.
  2. Need Advice on cooling these little VESCs. Since the box is sunk into the board for a low center of balance. Is there any disadvantage of putting the VESCs on the lid and and using something like alu bar for cooling, given heat rises.
  3. Is there a good way to secure the contents of the box without putting extra holes in it?
  4. What am I not thinking about that I should be!!

Parts List

Still Need:

  1. Good STL for fixed 3 blade prop
  2. Cooling solution for VESCs , thinking they’re little and gonna get hot quick


Hi, Any update of your prone boogie, I wonder if your single 12S battery is working fine? cheers.