Quarantine Efoil

Sizing my battery box.

Looking for this dimension, if this is possible:

Those CnLinko waterproof power connectors look fine for our application.


I really love it! Works with little changes for me.

Some of you tried with this case? Internal space for size 3 is: 330x220x70mm. I am not familiarized with battery building. I wonder wich battery is suitable with these dimensions. It says is suitable for 12V. But I think maybe for bigger batteries is good. I am looking for battery 44V and 30-40Ah.


Hey, can you please elaborate on how you changed them to fit the high amps we use for efoils? It looks like you changed the inside plug.

Just replace the 2 original cylinder with grey case for 8mm bullet connector. I printed the grey case with a resin printer.

Internally, the principal case has these components. In these component you can remove original black cylinder and replace with grey cylinder (3d printed).

This is the original black cylinder or plug that would be replaced with grey stuff

The result:


Algun fabricante de baterias Li-ion de confianza y que me puedan recomendar en España. Vamos que no se queme! Si es en Barcelona donde vivo sería mejor. Busco bateria 13s12p Samsung 30Q para mi efoil. Con BMS minimo 150A. Gracias

Waiting for my battery.

Handle installed

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My battery Samsung 30Q 13s12p from Alvilitio came yesterday, I am so happy. It fit well, dimension: 250x240x85mm. The work continnues…


First run of my motor with little problems, I think:

Problem Solved:

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Sounds like misfire, which gasoline do you use? :slight_smile:

Jajaja. I was thinking the same.

It would be nice to check first with another remote , just in case it is not just the throttle signal

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Is that the Yamaha clone propeller, 7.5 X 7 or 8 pitch?

Yes. 7 1/2 x 7 - BA propeller

Thanks. Think that one is one of the better of “standard propellers”. By the way nice project and nice hand crafting!

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Hey Pablo,
nice build!

Did you just wet layup the board with CF or have you vacuumed it?
Can you describe the process of putting the CF on the board you’ve used?
How many layers and which weight of CF?


I used vacuum very ligth 30-40% because you dont want to crush your foam (make test with your pump). This is just to guarantee layers stick well in the foam.

I used 1 layer of 3k 2x2 Twill Carbon Fiber 200gsm and 1 layer of fiber glass 160gsm (2x2 twill). I made the arrangment of both layers along the top surface and then applied epoxy resin with roller. Then I covered with peel ply, release film and breather and finally applied vacuum. The same process to the bottom surface. So one day the top surface, other day the bottom surface. Dont forget use masking tape to limit the extension of layers. Need a lot of patience.

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Did you put glass on top of CF or on the bottom - on the foam?

How did you manage not to get folds on fabric when vacuuming?

After taking the peel ply off what did you use to get shiny surface?