Swiss 2020 eFoil Build

Hehe nice of you sharing it on Thingiverse

No, I was thinking of a paper template I can then cut in plywood and serve as a guide for hotwire.

I just started my build and will focus on building wings/fuselage/mast, making good progress already with 3D printing the wings and sourcing material. I ll probably cut up an old surfboard if I find one, but I m thinking of Making myself one like yours with styrofoam+fiberglass.

Once all of this works and proven (with kite or towed by a boat) I ll move on to electronic.

I m based in Bali and it cost a fortune here for import but we have a access to plenty of board shaper and material so hope I can manage. I ll start a thread eventually once I have made enough progress to share.


ahh nice i totally forgot the 2D Printig^^ sounds like a good plan! but to be honest i’d rather build the board then the foil, the foilparts have to be super precise and super stiff to work well i guess, but im super stoked to see your Parts!

bali has to be a awesome place! would love to surf once over there!
good luck with your Project!

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Here you go.

The 2D version from DrT his board.
It should be 1:1 (not tested!)

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Wooow ! Awesome, pattern ready to print thanks to both of you, i m on my phone now but I’ll take a closer look at it this weekend. Feel like I m going foam shopping very soon :joy:

Again. It should be 1:1
The board data is:

  • length 150cm,
  • width 60cm
  • height 12cm

Yep, I confirm :sweat_smile::+1: thanks Kian

Could you share your mast mount which mounts the motor to the Liquid Force mast?

hey bar6 you are lucky i found the 2 years old stl files^^, but im not sure if it will work for your motor, i designed it to mount my motorblock… but you can find them here Clamp-system for Liquidforce MAst by DrTimonV - Thingiverse

Great Thanks DrT! I have the same liquid force mast and a flipsky 65161 motor so I’ll see if I can modify this for my application!

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Great build :slight_smile:
Did you reinforced the track box in your board for mounting the mast? Is it stable enough?
Did you use something like this?
Or did you use alu rods for more stability?
Best greetings from Basel!

hehe ächt geil! han mer au de liquid force mast gholt zom bastle.

Aber mini teili leget scho secher es johr lang ome, welli zerst as boardbaue gange ben… han mer jetzt aber es alts North Race Kiteboard gholt met 90l dasses mol chli vorwärz goht hehe.

ich ben usem Aargau (bald Luzern) vo wo chomsch de? Wär doch cool mol zäme z fachsemple.

Wot jetzt ke werbig mache, aber han au agfange chli z poste.

And for all the english people sorry this is “schwizerdütsch”.


Did you expirienc any issues becaus of the aluminium hounsing around the motors?

Or would it be only a problem, when its a outrunner
(the aluminium would slow the magnets down becous of the edy current stuff?)

or is ther no problems, when there are electromagnets, and they do not spinn?

hey phoenix

yes i exactely used this one from gong and yes i did reinforce my mast mount there are 4 carbon layers below and 2 carbon & 1 glass above (all fibes 160g/m^2)

no alu rods

sali SwissKiteboarder

cool nimme mal ahh machsch au es efoil?

Ich bin vo Züri, ja klar mer münnd das züg legalisiere i de schwiiz! :wink:

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Hey Again

no i didnt experienced any issus with the aluminium housing, im using an inrunner motor…

But from my knowlege aluminium is not magnetic so i guess there should not be any issues with outrunner as well

Ich werde eifach bede Kite spots go fahre go :wink:

Ofem silvaplanasee, gsehsch ja allpot eine omedüse :smiley:

Lenz efect… not eddy current :innocent:

Big rollercaster uses this effect for a braking system…

I know, some e-Bike buelders had issues of mounting the outrunner to near to the aluminium frame…

he had issues on 6:17.

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muetig ^^ git anschinend no saftigi buess wenns di verwütsched ^^ ich gang uv frankriich dete gitz ke problem :smiley:

interesting effect never heard about it, seems like the moving magnets of the outrunner cousing the issue … so better use an inrunner ^^

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