Swiss 2020 eFoil Build

yes, i also thought about using an inrunner is better.

I was start thinking abaut it, because i wanted to convert my old Puch Maxi s to an Electric Vehicel. and but the Motor inside of the e50 Motorblock.

hmm… dose the electromagnet need more Amprege to build up the magnetic field when its near to aluminium? Or dose the Magnetic feeld trawels much slower on the side the Aluminium is?
Who could we ask abaut this?

Ja… sost nem ich ein einleiner Kite met et hand, ond ziene hendenoche. Das esch denne jo emmerno en art Kitefoile hehe.
Aber i dänke wemmers verallem ned! ede Badezohne macht onds wörkli ned druf a leit Problem z becho werds scho klappe… Lass dich nicht erwischen.
Trendsport… solangs ned 10 stöck of eim see send werts niemertem grad uf falle :smiley: