@carpi did you ever get to try that foil? I have still not reached the water because of ice
what kinda prop is that and is the mast to fuselage mount 3d printed?
The prop is from @Flying_Rodeo. 135mm diameter three blade/high pitch. Not yet tried it on this setup but the finish of the prop is awesome!
I did it. It flies. However the thrust is decreasing as the VESC gets hot. So I managed to foil over the water for a moment but then the power was cut to a level where flying was not possible,
Also I had some water leakage that might have destroyed the VESC. I have rinsed the electronics from salt water. Lets see if it wakes up again.
Which VESC are you using? Where is the water coming in from?
Way to go!
Hope you can fix your leaks.
VESC v6.41. The water. Its coming from a bad sealed outlet from my cooling system. I think. Tomorrow I will check out the leaking thoroughly.
can’t believe that even with watercooling your vesc 6 overheated!
you are on 12s, right?
do you have bluetooth module installed, so you could see temperatures and telemetry from vesc?
which battery max and motor max values you have in your vesc settings?
My VESC suvived the salt water. Almost. The micro USB port got corroded away. So, I cannot answer your question since I cannot connect to it anymore. Maybe I can try to clean the pins to have it working again. But yes. It is a bit strange. I was expecting more from it. What is your suggestion? Are you using the VESC6? @tinp123
I am waiting for maytech 6.6 vesc. 100a cont, 200a burst. And I will use watercooling too.
and you settings are something similar to what I had planned. you got me a little bit worried.
I was expecting minimal temperature raise because of water cooling.
bluetooth module is connected in UART port, so even if your usb is not working, you could use bluetooth.
I have no log file from the ride so I can not say for sure it was temperature MOSFET cutoff that kicked in. But the power got decreased allright. I waited for a while (not to long though since the water is about 6 degrees) then I could ride again. After about 10 seconds the power got decreased again.
@Jezza You use the Freefly ARC200 right? Would you recommend it? I use 12s battery with the SSS56104 motor with 5:1 gear and 135 mm prop.
Yeah I think its a great speed controller. Runs my motors a lot quieter than the other controllers I have used and is a lot more configurable!
And is it powerful enough?
Yeah definitely. I used to use a yep120a. So the arc 200 has extra overhead.