VESC programation Included Files missing

Hi,I’m following the video for setup my VESC but I already have a difference at step 1.
I don’t have the included file (i’m running under linux)
Any idea?

also I’m not sure what to setup here. My configuration is :
Motor flipsky 65161 120Kv
VESC 75200 MAkerbase
Batteries 12s (Panasonic LiiTokala 3400 mAh). I’ve got two 24v chanels in serie for give a 48V battery.
Both channels have a configuration of 6 Series 12 parallel .
The two channels are then connected in series to give 48 V .

and I don’t know also what to setup here:

Just run the motor wizard first and see if that works. The report back.

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Hi,I’m in the motor calibration step. When I’m clicking on the “RL” button. I’m hearing the sound few seconds like in the video without spining but just after my ESC diconnect and I don’t have any datas filled in the fields. I’ve to connected it back and do it again but it’s always the same issue. I’ve a got an error message: serial port error: not such file or directory"

I’m under linux…

I tried to active the remote control and motor seems to turn but not very fast. And it seems to become hot also…

Seems that either the battery is not strong enough or the USB gets disturbed
Are you on a laptop? Try disconnecting the power supply
And try to run the USB cable far away from the battery/motor wires

it works!! thanks. Yes i’m on laptop

one step one problem :slight_smile:
When clicking here the motor turn but nothing fill the field and the data remain to 0 and red

in fact, i’ve seen the same message and then impossible to reconnect the software to the VESC without reboot the computer. I just tried under windows and it is still the same problem but i can reconnect without reboot the computer. This is the only difference observed

Hi, so does anyone have any idea how to fix this issue? When I try to activate the motor with my remote control, it seems to work, but I’m not sure if the RPM is correct (it seems a bit slow) and the motor quickly becomes very hot. Likely after 10-20 seconds, 5-6 times in a row, the motor is very, very hot. I can still touch it, but I guess if I activated it for a few minutes, I would burn my hand.

Does your PC have connection to the internet?
First step would be to bring the VESC to the newest firmware. Then the motor detection should also work properly, the motor getting that warm could be a bad motor parameter.

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Yes i have internet on my PC (laptop). Should I download through VESCtool ? I tried to do like in the video but I haven’t files included. Btw I’ve got a new motor and tried with a new one. I’ve got the same problem but It doesn’t heat as much than the old one.
I really appreciate your help thanks for all!

I tried everything to download and upgrade my firmware but it seems to be impossible. My last try was with a git clone from GitHub, but the file seems compromised or I don’t know. And of course, when I tried to do it through the VESC Tool as mentioned at the top of my post, I don’t have included files. If you have any idea…

Download the latest 6.2 vesc tool. Within the tool you can download the archive with all binaries that made it into vesc tool.

Go to Firmware, select tab “archive”, click download, wait some minutes
see here: Precompiled VESC Tool Archive - #140 by Trampa - The Citadel - Essential References for Esk8 - DIY Electric Skateboard Forums

it seems that there is no makerbase binary in Vedders official archive at the moment.
you can compile it from the source but it is not an easy task…
source repo: bldc/hwconf/makerbase/75_200_V2 at master · vedderb/bldc · GitHub

you can also install it manually, see here: How to update firmware on the Flipsky 75100 & 75200 FOC ESC - #386 by b1996 - The Citadel - Essential References for Esk8 - DIY Electric Skateboard Forums

download the zip file, unzip and install with tab “custom file”
MAKE SURE it is the right one for your HW

There is a lot of information in the thread above.

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Thanks it is allright now. Everything is green
I would like to know how to connect the wire for monitoring my battery in my remote control?
also I’m not sure I did a good parameter for my battery in my VESC
for reminder: Motor flipsky 65161 120Kv
VESC 75200 MAkerbase
Batteries 12s (Panasonic LiiTokala 3400 mAh). I’ve got two 24v chanels in serie for give a 48V battery.
Both channels have a configuration of 6 Series 12 parallel .
The two channels are then connected in series to give 48 V .

What should be the “battery current max” ? i set up 150A like on the picture above.

I’m not sure in advanced if it is ok:

Cutoff start is when it starts to limit, so dont set it to 4.2V per cell, rather to 3.2V per cell and the cutoff end to 3.0V like you already did

So set 38,4V and 37,0V for start and end

Advanced looks OK

For the remote, you can either connect the input pin of the Rx directly to the battery or use UART connected to VESC
Direct connection:

RX is not RXD, right? I only have to do like on the picture… Also I’m curious if there is an order to follow for the 3 motor wires to connect to the esc or any wire can go anywhere. Thanks for explanation of battery starts limit and cutoff.
I don’t know what is UART, i just googled it. but anyway will used the first option which seems the more convenient

Rxd and Rx is the same, that and Tx/Txd together is called “UART”

Motor wires can go as they like, if the motor runs backwards, you can either swap any of the two wires or change in software.

ok, so does it means that i have to plug like on my picture and not like on the picture above (to Bat).

And also I observed that my motor start to spin at around 15% of trigger activated. I had the problem before replace my ESC too.
Any idea how to adjust it?

No!!! That will destroy the Electronics
Either connect Battery to BAT
Or the VESC UART pins to the Receivers UART Pins

Whats the Problem with that?

Ok i have misunderstood then but did the good wiring.
“And also I observed that my motor start to spin at around 15% of trigger activated. I had the problem before replace my ESC too.
Any idea how to adjust it?”

The problem with that is that there is a lag when i start to push the trigger and when the motor start to spinning. Because motor start to spinning when remote control displayed 15% in throttle . That’s not very please to use.