Vesc tool settings

8s3p. I am using molicel P42a’s.

The maytech 100a fits very tight in the same case that foil assist uses.

It’s most probably your “battery current max” on the third screen shot, set at 12A.

Using P = V x I it means you are only getting 12A x 28V = 330W. This needs to be about 1300W for the foil drive, so increase the battery current to 50A will help a lot!

That 12A is definitely too low for the battery max current.

I would still highly suggest running through the initial “Setup Motors FOC” first and then make adjustments after.

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Happy to hear the maytech 100a esc works well.

Did you cut a hole in the box to cool the maytech 100a.

Mine should arrive any day now, the reason l purchased it was because of the size.

So I have set it up using the motor wizard as suggested, and I have changed the battery current max to 50a is there anything else, thanks as always, I would be lost without your help

There is a few things I would change. Let me list them out and get back to you in just a bit.

I did cut a hole in the box and sealed it up with 3m 5200 fast cure.

This is how I would set it up. Others may have different opinions that could work better. This should get you a pretty good start. The only limitation is the VESC being 70A continuous. I am curious if that will be enough.


Motor Current Max - 70A
Absolute Maximum Current - 120A
Battery Current Max - 60A

Battery Voltage Cutoff Start - 24v
Battery Voltage Cutoff End - 20v

Duty Cycle Current Limit Start - 100%


Thanks again , I will try this later

I think Jesserosco has you covered pretty well for the setup. Good starting point. you can try and increase the battery current max from there a little and step by step if you still experience cut offs.
We still dont know the KV of your motor. I would say that it could be very much be a low voltage problem. your motor is given for max 12s meaning the highest rpm are achieved at that voltage and you pump in only 2/3 of that with your battery when fully charged. Considering you only have 3p the batteries could sag very quick leading to the problem you are experiencing.
Do you get a fault on the VESC like abs_current max or voltage max when it cuts off?

You could go to 69A on the battery max, but everything I have researched says you need to keep the battery max below motor current max. You shouldn’t go above 70A on the motor current max, that is all your VESC is rated for continuous. If you go above that you risk burning up your VESC.

Thanks for all your help I will keep uou posted

Everyone’s setting will be slightly different depending on weight etc.

I have the same esc as yours and even with a slightly larger custom heatsink it would temperature throttle me after 15sec.

I pushed the ESC pretty hard in a static environment: battery 100A and motor 140A, but because of the temp throttling I stopped using it.
I then decided to use an ARC 200A ESC to see what current I actually needed. It turned out at 95kg and with a gong veloce XL wing and 10S battery I needed 80A battery current and 160A motor current on taking off.

The FSESC 6.7 will arguably give me enough for an assist, but it just can’t give me enough to burst onto the foil without a wave (granted I ride a 24.5L board).


Tried again in the sea again today, still not enought speed or torque, gutted

That is a real shame. So many hours go into putting one together so I can understand the frustration. I do know that this will work very well with the Hobbywing max6 esc. This is what I use and a few friends use. It is big so I’m not sure if it will fit but worth checking.

I am having similar results. I will post my specs shortly so we can compare!!


I don’t think the 70a VESC is enough to efoil with. People have pretty good success with the fly color 80a ESC and I know the Maytech 100a VESC is enough and fits in a small box.

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Did the performance improve with the updated settings?

Absolutely, was so much better, but just not quire enough, thanks for your help,

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Did this problem get solved? Im just learning about vesc settings and noticed your battery is 28.8v. But you have your low voltage cutoff set at 27.2v means even with a full charged battery your esc is going to cut off voltage mode.almost immediately…any thoughts?

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