YAN (yet another newbie) - Board shape feedback for starting out with e-Foiling

Hi All

First post, so hoping this formats nicely :crossed_fingers:

I’ve read a lot of great info in this forum and would like to make the construction of an e-Foil my Winter project (Summer here right now downunder). I’ve never foiled and intend to find a school to give it a crack, but as I just had a number of day’s of ‘quality time’ with my PC thanks to covid, I drew up a board in OnShape.

My rendition is 1600mm (5’3") long and 750mm wide (2’5") and bang on 100l volume. Guessing as I’m an e-Foil beginner, it will need a bit of grunt for me to get up, but I really don’t want to go crazy with gigantic battery packs and megawatt motors if I can help it!

In case you wonder why I chose “Weightshift” as my username, this is due to my love of sports requiring weight-shift control - hang gliding and motorcycling. Hoping to add e-foiling to that list :grin:

If I’ve got the piccys thing right (no post-preview in this forum?), hopefully some renditions are showing below . . .

Link to OnShape Document:OnShape


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Your board looks very similar to mine, just a bit larger. I also had round corners at the back but I didn’t like how it looked and I had troubles with the rails (transition to the round corner). I think it’s better if the rails go to the end of the board (like lift does it). Of coarse this is a small detail and with a 100l board you will not have any problems with takeoff the way you designed it.

See here before and after sharp corners at the end of the board (pictures@the end): Daniel's 2nd build - #4 by sat_be

Hey Daniel - awesome build log you’ve got going, thanks for linking to it :+1: I’ll study it closely.

I agree the chamfered off stern looks better and may be a tad more comfortable when lying prone across the back (?) - which as a learner I see myself and keen family members doing quite a bit of, in the beginning. So all in all changing the stern keeps with the principle of ‘form following function’ :slightly_smiling_face:

Happily making changes at this stage is very simple with OnShape (no adding of foam needed :wink:), so very much appreciate your feedback. Right now I’m off to jump off a cliff (hang gliding) so will make some further drafts later.

Anyone else’s feedback/tips would be greatly appreciated too! Cheers - Brendan.

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With a hang glider you do not jump off a cliff!
You walk or run with it!

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Yup - well spotted :grin:


Will look at ‘sharpening’ the stern vertical corners even more, soon. OnShape needs me to redraw the plan splines to do that, so a little extra messing around.

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75cm is too wide in my opinion, the board gets elephantish and can’t be carved in sharp turns without a longer mast. i’d stay at around 60cm max width to have a more agile board.

You likely have reasonable access to Fliteboard as they are in your neck of the woods😀

It might be worth going to a dealer site that also likely runs a school to have a close look at the product line.

Your current dimensions are similar to their full size board although shorter and wider.


Heya Foilguy. Unfortunately I’m in New Zealand, although close (globally speaking), Fliteboard hasn’t made it here yet. Waydoo seems to dominate locally at the moment.

Heya Larsb - I can’t seem to get down to 60cm girth, but thoughts on this . . . ?

1620mm x 640mm (83 litres)

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Why, move the section or cutting plane in your cad😄

You don’t need the liters really, at least not unless you’re 150kgs

Check it out.

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For dimensions, look at what the top foil companies sell… I’m not sure how big you are, but a decent size guide is always: 150cm x 63.5cm x12cm. Lift’s sport boards are 65cm wide and their pro boards are 60cm wide.
I have boards ranging from 55cm to 63.5cm wide and have never had issues with tight carves. There’s no point in going longer than 150cm though, it just becomes too long and cumbersome to transport.


Heya Larsb - I was keeping length at 1.6m so it was starting to look like a kayak at 60cm wide :laughing:

Heya Foilguy - Duh me! Relied on Google to find Flite locations in NZ, novel idea going to locations on their website :crazy_face:

Heya - Jezza, yup that’s where I started - The LIFT4.
I’m a gigantic 175cm and 83kg so get what you are saying! :mouse2:

Thanks guys :+1:

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60x150 is what i’ve reached as the best compromise for me, i’m 95kg so i don’t think anyone needs more really😃

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Well I followed through and organised an e-Foil lesson for myself and four of my family. First thing to say . . . e-Foiling is bloody awesome fun! Had an hour + 20 on the water and what a blast! Completely hooked now :grin:

Unfortunately my daughter showed us blokes up and was foiling around me while I was hauling my arse yet again onto the board, for another launch into the air. My excuse is her board-size to weight ratio was much more in her favour :rofl:

To get lessons we had to travel an hour South, to the NZ Waydoo agent. Our lessons were on Waydoo Flyer One boards. I noted some clever tech in these e-Foils. First to say, this board is big - over almost 170cm in length and used EPP (Extruded Polypropylene) as the main board material. I would say this is pretty smart for a trainer board, as this material (used in car bumpers/fenders) is light, durable and has some ‘bounce’. A zillion RC (radio control) planes can’t be wrong! Also impressive was the electrics, the battery is the hatch lid - this drops into the board from above and connects via mating connectors. Equally clever (I thought) was that the ESC is built onto the top of the mast. Inserting the mast also has this component mating with electrical connectors, as it is lowered into the board. It is fastened with two finger screws.

If I had to guess, I would say the receiver is in the battery module? And just to finish off, the Waydoo manual says the EPP board is reinforced by an aluminium frame. Given this Waydoo entry level e-Foil is just over 2/3rds the price of other brands (in NZ at least), its seems to be pretty good value? Nowhere near DIY value, but for folks just wanting to grab an e-Foil off the shelf it seems like a pretty reasonable choice :thinking:

Just to temper this ‘almost Waydoo review’, I’ve only seen two other commercial e-Foils: Flite and Audi. Both of these I viewed in a shop showroom, with no hands-on.


There are some threads here on the waydoo boards, not entirely positive.

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Where about in nz are you from mate?

Jafa matey.
Bit of Northland country lad still lurking :grin:

Good for you to make the effort to do the on water experience before building and include family. Off to a great start!

Next comes the analysis about whether to just buy a commercial product or build your own or a blend of those options.

Before you buy Waydoo I would recommend comparing it to the just announced Flite AIR product as I think they are price competitive now.