3D printer choices

I inadvertently hyjacked a build thread

asking about 3D printer and hope the conversation will move here.

This technology is an integral part of most efoil builds and is rapidly evolving so I’m looking forward to learning from all of the expertise on the forum.

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Fair play…

  • So I started on a Wanhou Duplicator i3. This was 8 years ago now. It served me well as a first setup to get the basics down and learn all about printing. I then upgraded the motherboard to a Duet Wifi and all the fans to Noctua so that I had silent operation and could print through the night. But after some time I felt I needed a better mechanical printer to improve print quality.
  • While I set about designing a new custom machine which was similar to the CR10, I bought a ender 2 for small prints. This actually served me pretty well considering the build volume and quality I managed to get was also impressive for the price.
  • Once the custom machine was done, then I just printed on it. Quality was good and I was generally happy other than when I wanted a bigger build volume.
  • Last year I entered into a project where I needed a build volume of at least 250 x 250 so I started looking at all options. While I know I can mechanically improve any printer to give me solid performance, I felt I’d rather spend the time on actual prototypes and printing. This left 4 options: Bambu, Creality K1 Max, Voron 2.4, Ratrig VCore 3.1. I watched a huge amount of reviews, builds and everything in between. Eventually I decided to settle on the Creality because there were quite a few guys out there that managed to get same quality prints out of it as the Bambu.

While Bambu comes with a rock solid profile up front and performs at the top level immediately, I did need to iron out a few minor software and profile kinks to get the K1 Max performing at the same level. This took maybe 2 hours…
My current setup is:

  • Creality K1 Max
  • OrcaSlicer with custom K1 Max Profile
  • Custom Filament profiles for various filaments

My first printer was a makerbot clone roughly 10 years ago. After that a Leapfrog and then a UP Box. The Up Box was the best until then, because it came with software. All those printers out there that use any kind of open source sw I did not like as there was to much working on profiles, adjusting and finetuning. The UP Box was my first printer that worked out of the box. The preset profiles in the UP slicer software worked 99% fine. After the Bambu came out, I watched tons of videos of it, and then creality as a fast follower showed up with the K1. So I decided to wait some month to get better market feedback. The allover feedback about creality then made my decision to go with the bambu. And I am sure I will never regret this decision. This printer runs out of the box. It reminds you for service on the linear rails and threads… and it just delivers. So far I did not have 1 failed print on it, and the printspeed and quality is supereb.


It should be noted that they changed quite a few things on the K1 Max vs the initial K1 to fix many of the initial issues. Most notably:

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I would choose Bambulab X1C anyday,
i had a Creality CR10 from 2017 to 2023 i completely rebuilt it over ther years, every week was a new breakdown on the Creality,
I didnot test the K1 but the X1C is just madness.
Hardware is robust, prints perfect really fast, software is very good. If you have the budget go Bambulab you wont regret it.


But it is still creality. :smile:


Doesnt Bambo require cloud access? great printer but cloud is deal breaker for me. I modified a Crealty CR10S5 (500x500x500) with 1800 watt heater, linear rails, silent steppers, klipper and flexdrive.


I’m on the other end of the scale as a noob and first printer😀

I have an Ender Neo (very low cost on sale from Amazon)
I added a Sunlu filament drier as I was having some issues after the initial surge of printing every day wore off and was using the printer sporadically.
My method now is to run the drier for several hours and then rethread the filament to the printer to eliminate the string that was exposed outside the drier. It seems to reduce the adhesion problems I had.

I’m curious about what experienced users use as a filament brand choice. Is that $ driven or more you have found a brand that is reliable and you stick with it?

I’ve printed all different types of brands. I’ve even found that different colours on the same brand and material need different temps to get great prints. Right now I’ve found very nice quality prints with Creality Hyper PLA and eSun PLA+. I need to get some ASA and flexibles running soon though too.

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X1C automatically performs extrusion calibration, no need to pay attention to color or adjust temperature. Creality also installed lidar, apparently just to make it look like Bambu. It has no functionality and looks more like a scam.

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No the lidar works for the most part, just doesn’t do flow calibration yet. But hey I can print 300mm x 300mm which is what more important…

This is a compelling argument. I hope Bambu will release a XL version in the near future.

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How well do the more advanced printers handle resume after power outage or pause for flame t change and resume?

I had both of these events happen with my setup and although the printing resumed the resulting product was not good and had to be discarded.

Not very good for my X1C. Only happened a few times but definitely end up with layer shift and a subpar print.

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When the plastic runs out, I put 4 spools of leftovers in the AMS and start printing. Never had any problems with layers shifting. There is a problem with your printer. The propeller from the photo was printed with two filaments from different manufacturers and worked all summer.


I am interested in a propeller that I can print like that. Can you share your file and experience with it. I have a flipsky 65161 m8 threaded shaft.

Yep my printer runs 24/7 and always changing filament no issues. He asked about power outages. It never starts perfect again.

looks familiar :thinking:

I guess Props like this and even for 63161 can be found on Tinkercad.

Yes, it’s your propeller and it’s great. I just added an interface for my motor.

We bought a Bambu X1C for my work last year. Its a workhorse and has been a game changer for our company as far as making build fixtures, enclosures, test parts and the like. I liked it so much I bought one for myself during their Black Friday sale. My Creality CR10S has been collecting dust ever since.