I’m looking for a good 3 blade propeller to print for the 6384. It doesn’t have to be foldable. Does anyone have a recommendation?
I’m looking for a good 3 blade propeller to print for the 6384. It doesn’t have to be foldable. Does anyone have a recommendation?
Would be interested too to get a 3 blade folding. Now printing the smaller 2 blade to get options
There is one at 180mm Dia, and one at 160mm.
Also Received a 6384. Is yours of the same style?
I will see if I can design a hub for existing blade designs.
3 Blade folding is here:
And I think you have the same Motor.
Might be worth a try to print it.
Here is how it looks after tweaks
Fitment is not perfect, but maybe close enough
AYE did not remember about this one you posted, not convinced about the blade design for printing.
Did you see this one?
I tried it printed in PA12, it broke after the first take off. It has to be laminated according to the designer.
I have the 3 blade folding prop working. I did need to laminate all parts though with 100g carbon fibre.
This design looks interesting. If you are happy to share the files, I would be interested in testing this and comparing it to the other I have.
Here, but untested as of now
Started printing one, I added more celarance for the baldes as they come out wider than the CAD model by around 0.3mm. I only had modelled 0.2mm clearance, now up to 0.6mm There is a V2 file uploaded to GRABCAD
I’ll print the prop out of PETG-CF and see how stable it becomes. Otherwise it will be laminated.
has anyone found/tried a 3 blade fixed prop for the 6384/6374 motor? I haven’t found one yet and want to try on my tow boogie builds.
Hey @nekitesurfing, for laminating, did you remove a 2mm layer from the overall CAD design or did you sand where necessary after? Thanks!
I sanded it down but this was a long and quite tedious task. If I was to do it again I would have printed it slightly smaller. Particularly the props.
Concerning the efficiency, is it a real game changer as FD claims compared to what you had before ?
Because I did one take off before it broke by cavitation with my PA12 one and I did not feel any big difference compared to my 2 blades propellerking.
I have no way of measuring the efficiency on my set up. I have only used it 3 times so far but in terms of “feel” I find there is more thrust but it isn’t a big difference. I too have the propeller king two blade folding prop which is excellent so I wouldn’t say you need to change. I just like experimenting.
Hey people,
Did you try cf?
Cf-pet (not petg) seems stronger than cf-petg, from reviews.
I would guess that the orientation of printing the blades matters a lot. Probably horizontally should be stronger, although needs cleaning. Temperature as well higher maybe to fuse the layers.
Maybe propellers better be printed with a resin printer because resin doesn’t depend on orientation.