666foil build in France


After an unfortunate first attempt, the second version finally sees the day.

The configuration is traditional and complies with the recommendations of @pacificmeister

Some pieces were machined in cnc and the others in Pla.
The sealmount has been modified to put two bearings.

The board is being finished and soon the tests.


Juste magnifique ces pièces en alu, bravo.
Compte tu vendre des pièces usinées ?
Encore bravo.

Hi Manu,
Yes why not ; but I need to do tests on the water before. I want to check that all the bores are good for seals and bearings.
The tests should take place in a week; I have to finish installing electronics in the board.

@cristophe very nice work well done !

ok perfect, I settle down and follow the test with a watchful eye. for the thread on the sealmount you have kept the same thread or you have changed, to know if the original propeller protection is screwed on or not …
it is clear that with such mounting all the heat will dissipate in the water … very good for the Neugart PLE40

Same threat but I modified the duct because I have 2 bearings in the sealmount then 7mm more.
Yes, it 's the reason ; all the mounting or pod dissipate the heat.

Congratulation Cristophe,
Sure it ll be a sucess .
Travail fabuleux de qualité et de minutie.
De quel coin de france es tu ?
+1 pour les pièces en alu
Good luck for the tests.

Annecy - haute savoie

Foiler sur le lac d’annecy le pied…
Suis à 1 heure d’Annecy
Au plaisir de se rencontrer.

Foiler on Lake Annecy the foot …
I will end up believing that the greatest creators are Annécien … I will explain to you why on the occasion…Mister P. will have probably understood.
Am 1 hour from Annecy
Pleasure of meeting.

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You got yourself another French fan (from Cannes). Please let me know if you intend to sell it. Mounted with an SSS and a Reisenauer, this could be a winner. Cheers.

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I’m in France too, I mounted a Parker on my engine he held less than 10 minutes, do you think the Neugart will hold? because I do not know what to buy as gearbox

Here ? :wink:

My brother and i foiled 1h in the lac at Annecy , in june , first time for him , for me start was harder got some waves in the afternoon with the wind and the boat , going around me too curious and too close … But it was a nice day


@Alexandre Yes here. It’s the good lake :slight_smile:. The place where you foiled is Sevrier. Perhaps an another time with us.

Hi Philippe,

@philippe I use a Neugart PLE040 ; so I could not give you an answer for the Parker. I don’t have any problem with the Neugart for the moment. I rebuild all the propulsion because I lost the shaft in the lake and brooke the duct.

Maybe the shaft wasn’t aligned perfectly? How much KV does your motor have?
An alternative is the Motor Chief from Reisenauer, available with 3 or 4 planets.

Despite the flat on the axis plus 2 clamping screws on the coupler …? I imagine that you had put loctctite on the coupler screws …
Do you have a schematic cut of your double bearing assembly?

I would be very interested in the aluminium pieces as well, especially the propeller. Is it the same as the one from Pacific Meister but just made in aluminium instead of PLA?

p.s. I’m from Neuchâtel in Switerland, not so far from Annecy :slight_smile:

@Fabien_n The propeller is in PLA not in alu (100% infill). Very hard to build a propeller in Alu for me. It’s the @pacificmeister propeller (V3).

Ok! What a pity, it would have been so nice to have PM’s propeller in alu.

Je t’écris en français la suite, j’ai prévu d’ajouter un post sur le sujet mais je dois trouver le temps de bien le formuler en anglais, en gros si tu n’as pas fini ton montage je peux te conseiller une amélioration sur la pièce du clamp system de PM que j’ai faite et qui va super bien pour l’instant et permet un démontage bcp plus simple au besoin et évite le truc chiant du silicone pour l’étanchéité. En gros j’ai modifié la pièce arrière du clamp system pour qu’elle puisse contenir 3 presses étoupes (https://www.distrelec.ch/fr/presse-etoupe-m12-rnd-components-rnd-465-00401/p/30096612) permettant d’isoler les câbles électriques lors du passage vers le moteur. J’ai scié une clef à tube pour permettre de serrer les presses étoupes avec les câbles qui passent dedans.
Je vai faire prochainement le post avec les fichiers prêt à l’impression 3d, mais si tu en as besoin avant n’hésite pas à me dire

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Tres bonne idée pour l étanchéité des câbles , la même chose de prévue pour moi , avec des m10 , les câbles passent