I have an efoil from Alibaba, honestly it used to work perfectly, used to. Now motor cannot be run, but remote controller is connected and I can modify the speed but with no result on motor. I suspect connection between motor and inverter (btw this device between battery and motor is called inverter?), so I replaced plugs, however issue still exist. Any idea how to continue troubleshooting?
I wanted to upload video, but forum does not allow too.
Does anyone know/ have some user manual for thie efoil where some typical errors will be described?
Pretty hard to help you with the minimal information you supplied. There are a lot of different companies that make efoils and each approach is a bit different.
Please supply additional info such as brand, are there any labels on the components. How old is it, is battery charged etc etc.
I orderd efoil from Underice company from Alibaba one year ago.
Today I realized red light on the controller blinks always, nevermind if there is connected motor or not. That is why I suspect the problem is with controller or with receiver for remote controller. Anyway try to troubleshoot it somehow.
First use a voltmeter with cable tester. Test if All connections and wires are having contact. If not you got a cable or connector Problem. If cable is good open what you call inverter and share pictures then we can help. Your esc, remote, motor or battery could have a Problem, hard to say. Find out where the receiver of the remote is. Maybe inside what you call inverter.