Anyone have any thoughts on this setup?

Replying to my own post to reference details of my rig.

Had my first full battery to cutoff ride today. I am super happy to have this range.:slight_smile:

Two starts and foiling all the time on a Gong L 85 X Over foil. Optimal foiling conditions so wind etc wasn’t a factor. First 15km standing at around 25kmh and then kneeling for the rest at a higher average speed of approx 30kmh.

The range could likely be extended if I increased initial charge to 42V and lowered my cutoff limit but I have no desire or need to do that.

VX3 remote screen indicated 28.5km distance and I rode for approx 1 hr.

Battery start Voltage was 41V and I had my low battery cutoff limit set to 31V


Very nice! The concern that 10s wasn’t myth has been busted ;). I think an 8s pack would be ok as well considering how much power these packs have with the 65161 and the flite prop.

Did you end making a case for the battery?

I added some abs 1.5mm protection then heatshrinked and sealed the ends with liquid electrical tape. I wouldn’t throw it in the lake but its pretty well sealed.

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I did pretty much what @windego did.

I used tapcon tape over the entire surface of the battery pack and used some sealant at battery wire connection.

Then I put a layer of abs sheet over it all with holes for battery wires. Wrapped it all again with tapcon and sealed where battery leads can out.

Then I shrink wrapped and sealed that as best I could.

Not waterproof but water resistant and some small amount of impact protection from the abs.

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Sounds good. I’m headed in a similar direction, splash proof but not waterproof. Is this tapcon tape a silicone tape or something? I had been thinking about self amalgamating silicone tape

Kapton tape for electrical insulation on inside. Its not a waterproofing product. On outside of shrink wrap the self sealing tapes or goop it like I did…various options there. Not sure the liquid electrical tape is perfect as its a bit weak compared to rtv silicones. But it flows nicely into any crevices and you can layer it for added security.

Thats good news as I near closer to being complete. Like the rest of you I’m water resistant not water proof lol. I added some foam to the sides then used a couple layers of shrink wrap. The foam was to take up the space side to side. I still need to add a couple pieces between the rear of the compartment and battery to keep it in place. Are you charging using the X12?

Im pretty much done minus the esc setup. 31v? I was thinking around 25v would be 2.5v per cell cuttoff for the 21700? I could be way off as I’m a novice.

My icharger blew up! $300 up in smoke.

Now I use this balancer

I just use it to balance during charge and remove to ride. The pack stays baalnced without any balance current for last 3 runs. Great packs!

The balancer charger has bluetooth which is convenient to monitor on your phone. Quite happy with this solution.

WOW how did that happen? Have you contacted them?What are you charging with now? I’ve only used it once bench testing. I was curious of the settings used so I could compare to what I setup.

I am not 100& sure but I had been charging at 10amps all good. Then I pushed it to 15amps which turns out my dc supply was not capable of. The icharger decided to die instead of shutdown. Not happy about that as I really liked the features it has. The supplier isnt much help so I just put it behind me.
I am using a 10amp variable lab supply again. Its good.

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Setting battery limit to 25V is not a good idea imo as that is the lowest cell limit. So you are risking battery and might not work well at that V level anyway.

I chose 31V as the limit where the vesc still allows the prop to turn so you can “limp” home and 30V where is stops completely.
I may change the 30 to 29 to give me more limping range.

Starting at 41V is below the 4.2 cell max and 31V is well above the 2.5 cell min so I hope this makes the pack last longer. I have multiple packs so I don’t have ANY reason to push things.


Took it out today for the maiden foil. I never could get it going fast enough to get on foil. 6-7mph and 105-112a it was showing. Was amperage too low? I’m 190lbs and that’s all it would do in high setting on the remote. Flite prop, printed prop gaurd, AliExpress 28" mast with 1100 front wing.

You should try without the prop guard to see if you can get some speed. Seems everyone has similar experience.
DId you try to go fast first just on your knees? On my setup you can go really fast on the surface. Other possibilty is the AOA of the wing is negative sucking you down.

Might be a vesc limit is set too low.

180a/200a & 7000w on the motor settings and 200a/250a on the battery. What other settings should I check?

That’ all sounds good so maybe foil related as @windego mentioned.

What size of Fliteboard do you - I forget ?

It didn’t seem to matter if I was on my knees, laying or standing speed stayed between 6-7mph wot. AOA? I had read it was hit or miss on prop guards but wouldn’t think it would rob that much speed as it doesn’t seem to be cavitating.

@Foilguy same board you have. 100L

I will echo @windego and recommend trying without the duct. There was a thread not too long ago where @maninjo was having some similar trouble with his Fliteboard build (though I think he was up on foil, just using way too much current). he reported taking the duct off made a big difference.