Bluemind Waterproof Intelligent Remote Controller

Hello, I bought and tried the remote it seems to connect ok.
My question is, is there any manual for the remote or at least some information on the function. What are the + - buttons for how to get cruise control. What voltage for the receiver. It was delivered without any documentation. Thanks

Even if there has been a subsequent HW version with external antena, this should help: 3.3 to 5V to be confirmed.
Haven’t seen a manual though, pls keep us posted.

Processing: 英文枪式遥控Remote controller instruction (Chinese and English).docx…

Link doesn’t seem to work.

I found the link for the manual posted by @jvdz On May 12

My receiver does not look like the one in the manual. I have no clue how to connect to Flipsky 75200 with uart. I only tried pwm so far.

A possibility: select the Signal type ST = 0 (VESC TTL) in the submenu + apply the VESC cabling


Cabling source: Alibaba page which might contain a Rx Tx mismatch (apply 2nd test if 1st test doesn’t work), including @elnillo 2022 12 28 comment

Thanks, a bit of trial an error, I hope I do not burn the receiver in the process :slight_smile:

If you mix up rx and tx it won’t harm your reveiver. Just be carefull with efoil battery plus pole, 50V will kill the receiver if connected to the wrong pin.

Pict modified with 5V and 50v voltage ranges.

Thank you, maybe I will not send 50V to the receiver, nice to have
but I can get it from the flipsky bluetooth module and also it will be
easy to feel the battery go down from the loss of power. The thing is that at the present I only hav 4 cables to the front of the board where the receiver is placed.

Do you mean VESC RX, VESC TX, receiver +5v, GND (common to digital VESC GND and analog receiver main power GND) ?

I had four cables when I used Pwm. +, -, signal and a common ground for the 5.6V and 12V to the reed relay (that controlled the antisparkcircuit and the truck relay). I start to realize that with uart I have +, - rx, and tx, so I might need one or two more cables to get it to work.

I hope you get it working in a proper way, please let us know if the problems with refresh rate of the signals are solved. Should be around 10Hz now.
How about range with the new receiver?

In order to have both a receiver and bluetooth module connected at the same time I tried to connect the Vx2 receiver to No 1 Uart2 (checked + - was right) that was all it took to trash the Flipsky FS75200, it is now dead. I used to have it on No7.
Then I read on this forum this reply from Flisky

“Hello Mislav,
it`s an old thread, but i was struggling with the same problem and got information directly from Flipsky that UART2 port (Pin1) is not yet developed.
=> Only Port 7 works with UART!
best regards”

This is amazing. this could be use for a foil-assist type. you press the botton once, and will give you 5-10 secs of thrust. enough to take off. Can you share how you made it?

Watch type waterproof remote control…
Could you provide a pdf manual for operating instructions ?

VIN at the 4 pin connector together with RX/TX is for max. 5V!!!
I´m sure that 6S-14S 25V-14S will destroy the receiver.
The pin “A0” → main power in your picture, is for measuring the battery voltage.

I bought a Bluemind around 2 month ago and unpacked/tested it today for the first time.
Good thing first: setup with VESC was easy and seems to work.
The quality of the controller itself is not convincing for me:

  • the force to pull the trigger is much too high. I´m sure that the finger will hurt after some time
    The trigger itself looks fragile. I hope that it´ll not break
  • the worst thing are the buttons! You have to push too strong to get a contact that is noticed by the remote. Nothing for switching menues while foiling. You need both hands.
    This must be improved in my opinion
  • it came with a litte damage in the display glass (upper left corner, not really visible on the picture)

I´ll keep it anyway to test it on the water.
More impressions later in 2023 when the weather is warmer…

Corrected with Main Power = 59V. What about the Rx Tx swap on the VESC side ?