BREmote - DIY Remote

No, any PU foam should work as long as it is closed-cell

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Thanks. I am considering to try it also in sealing cells contacts.
It will save some weight.

Test it first. Some of the potting compounds I evaluated generated enough heat while curing to damage the cells….

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Which temperature was reached? Cell limits in the spec sheets are around 80 deg C, does it get that hot?

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Just FYI, the PU foam gets to 60°C maybe, and has very little thermal mass, so won’t be able to heat up anything in a concerning way


My BREmote LR keeps downshifting when I am on the water using the board.
I recalibrated several times if anyone has had this issue knows of a possible fix I am all ears…Cheers

If I use NO_GEARS can I set the STARTGEAR (fixed gear) level to something other than 9? The comments in the code say use STARTGEAR of 9 when defining NO_GEARS.


You can try to increase the TOG_DIFF value slightly. Also make sure the toggle mechanism has no play.

You can set to something else, but whats the sense in that? You will just lose resolution.
If you disable gears, set gear to 9 and limit in the VESC to whatever you want.

My toggle mechanism seems to be either too tight or too loose. If too tight the toggle gets stuck in the up or down position or the remote has a hard time turning ON or OFF and if too loose it downshifts. My unit was purchased fully assembled.

When changing to no_gears the remote starts in the fixed gear then E4 then loops back to [.] PP failsafe sequence. It stays in the fixed gear but continuously loops to the [.] PP sequence. Is there something else to change other than defining no_gears?

Seems like it goes into locked state
Try disable lock feature too
This still points to a jittering toggle position

So I went a little down the rabbit hole of PU foam.

Strange - it is hard to find datasheets for these materials.
Even for Talamex 45729200 there is no datasheet, just on it’s website it say - 96% closed cell.

The maximum specification percent of closed cells material that I found is - +90%.

Somebody advised me that more density is proportional to the amount of closed cells.

just got a pretty challenging situation where the tube of the trigger broke… and I was full power… a moment of solitude. Fortunately I was not super far from the beach but this was not expected and the only tow went full throttle.

I ordered another BRemote just the Tx and also sent this feedback to Jasmin but this is definitely a critical part

Sorry to hear, was this a preassembled one or printed yourself?
Any external forces when it broke or just out of nowhere?

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This is a bit of an expected issue for me since the magnet holder is a thin pillar with a mini-screw that doesn’t go through the whole channel to add support. I’m surprised it’s got the strength it has actually.

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pre assembled one. Works like a charm for like 20
rides. I ordered a new one but not sure I can fix this easily because the part is pretty well hidden into the build with foam and epoxy. I can 3d print parts if needed

As far as I understood from the picture it’s not the magnet rod that broke but rather the square tube around this rod

I have fixed one normal range remote like this - see pictures
Basically cut the side piece off flat and replaced with a new one - the foam is strong enough to stay in place
May need to work around the antenna though on the LR version

can Jasmin add some magnets?

I am also going to try your fix but ordered a new remote

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I will forward the request to him :slight_smile:

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