BREmote - DIY Remote

The Rx will, after a configurable time of no connection to the Tx, signal to the speed controller to shut off the motor. By default that time is 2 seconds.

What is the minimum time of no connection, that can be set? Theoretically it could be very small, no? because ping is happening often?

Sure, you can set in the range of milliseconds, but that makes it rather failure prone. You may experiment with that time as you like, I personally think 1 or 2 sec is ideal.
In BREmote_Rx, in the main BREmote_Rx.ino, in line 65

if(millis() - last_packet > 2000)
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Hi Ludwig, how about the timing of the kits? Interested!

What orientation do you print the handles?

He prints them standing upright with tree support, like that, just without the failing

I personally print mine laying flat, with coins on the sharp corners

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Today the sales of the BREmote kits started :partying_face: BREmote Kits for Sale


Can you give us an idea of how much range it will get? We are in hopes it will give us at least 600m.

I am very glad that there is an option for a kit now!

About the fall-off detection (not-implemented):
It would use an accelerometer in the tx, right? (it is present in the kit?)
How would you estimate the task - is it possible to detect fall of a human with the remote, (not just remote by itself)?
Will the detection happen by the time human is in the water (it must! in order to be able to transmit)?
If I for example just step of the board, it must detect it as well. It must outweigh the false positives, like - board going down from foil or going on a wave…

Normal version has 300m, long range 1-2km. Currently, only the normal version is sold. If there is a high demand for the long range version, we may put them for sale as well.

Regarding fall off: The way an apple watch for example implements fall detection seems quite reliable - even during certain sports. The calculation can be done on the accelerometer according to the manufacturer. I think you are mostly looking for 0g in all directions - followed by a spike of force.

The main reason a lot of us want your remote is for the option to allow our tow boogies to come back to us. we need 2 things to happen to do that.

1 - more then 1 channel so we can put a rudder on it for use when we are not ridding behind it, and you have done that.

2 - as long of a range as we can get so we can do long runs without the tow boogie and then can get it back.

can you sell some option to allow it to convert into the long range? or can you sell a long range version? we have a lot of people that would want that!

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Theoretically the only thing one needs to do to convert the normal to a LR version, is to put a different radio module on the Tx Board. And while both the normal and more powerful radio modules have the same IC and amount of pins, the manufaturer decided - for some reason - to change their pinout (the order of wich pin does what).
So unfortunately, for the LR version, one needs a different Tx PCB that can accomodate said module. The design for that PCB is finished already and can be ordererd at the PCB manufacturer.
At the time we decided to sell the kits, the request for this version was very low, so we did not include those in our plans. I will talk to Jasmin to see what the options are.

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Would a jumper be an option for the long range remote to deal with the different pin outs for the chip.

Same PCB but you solder or remove some jumpers to swap between LR and standard versions?

Saves part count and gives options.

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Nope, they literally swapped every single pin for another function, no way that fits in the given space.

Is there any reason not to make the LR version the standard version?

Great work on the remote @ludwig_bre . There have been a few DIY remotes made available over the years - yours seems to have gained lots of traction with the community which is awesome.


BLheli-32 esc has three line tx, signal, gnd.
tx - telemetry.
Can it be used by the receiver or the soft needs to be updated ?

Though I wonder if this data (rpm, current) has any use in the remote even if it gets it - two digits after all…
Maybe connect some bluetooth to this tx…
I don’t know what people do usually…
Data can be either streamed through bluetooth to the phone LIVE or it can be logged if logging device added.

That could be done, but the external antenna needed for the LR version makes the assembly a bit more complicated.

The idea of the BREmote is to have a basic, therefore sturdy remote.
The display is great for showing battery voltage and temperature. Adding more features will overcomplicate, and for me personally, having battery status and temperature is more than enough on the water.
At the moment the software can only communicate with VESCs via UART, but BLheli-telemetry could certainly be added.


Yes, my intention is for debugging (with live data) and logging purposes. Not for the causal ride.

Current consumption on the screen is actually really useful when you ride. I use it a lot on the Maytech.

What do you use the current reading for?