Build from Moscow!

Hi Anatoly , thank you for your answer , i’m a newbee in E foil , but windsurfer for decades , i did build some boards and i really consider to get into e foil for next winter . i saw few guy using this flipsky motor , but what it surprise me they don’t fit it in a case , the motor is in direct contact with water , it’s not a probleme ?
have a great day

This motor is used by many builders. It’s waterproof.

haaaaaa ok , thank you for this info , i also found a 2,4 GH waterproff controler : Maytech MTSKR1905WF V2 IP67 Waterproof Remote Control 2.4GHz wireless hand remote compatible with VESC for Esk8 Esurf Efoil Hydrofoil RC Boat
just need to found a foil a wait until long winter comming , cheers


Happy opening of the season! Trial testing. Water +10C.

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The tests continue.The Bluetooth module is built into the battery compartment. At the start, when the board is submerged and you are lying on it, the connection is lost. And then not very stable. We’ll have to move the Bluetooth unit to the nose of the board. And how did you solve this problem?

I bought 1m long antenna. Hoping it will be enough.

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Yes, but the antenna itself will also have to be installed in the nose of the board.

If the bluetooth module and the antenna are located closer to the stern, you can ride on the bow! Develops the vestibular apparatus!

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Friends! Transferring the bluetooth module solved all our problems! Everything works! Think about it before placing all your items!


The first time I got on my feet on the wing! Congratulate me!



Well, congrats bro :smile:

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Great Work Anatoly.
What is the thickness of the aluminum plate? Around 5mm?