Hi! 120 amp peak current of what? Batteries? We have three boards. One with a gear, two with a non-gear motor flipsky. My installation develops 40 km.h with direct drive. At 30 km. h, the battery current is 60 amperes. When overclocking, I reach 90 amps. Never more than 100 a. This is the battery current. The battery is 48 ampere hour and 75 ampere hour. The last one lasts for a long time!
If you ride for 4 hours with a current consumption of 40 amperes an hour, this battery needs more than 160 amperes an hour. It will weigh 30 kg! Something doesn’t add up.
Здравствуйте. На алиэкспрессе планируется распродажа
37 483,57 руб. 15%СКИДКА | Комплект для водных видов спорта Group W7 (включает Высокоточный двигатель FSESC75200 75 в и 65161) Водонепроницаемый пульт дистанционного управления
Двигатели на 100kv и 120 kv
В этом наборе ведь все необходимое есть для ефойла?
Останется доска, мачта, крыло, аккум, зарядник. Какой лучше мотор брать 100 или 120кв?райдер в районе 80кг уровень начинающий
Hi! The offer is tempting! But! Take 5 minutes! Find these offers separately! Calculate and understand whether it makes sense to buy from one company. And do not forget that in one package no more than 200 euros!Without tax. Maybe it will be cheaper separately. We mostly ride on 120 KV. I did not have the opportunity to test two engines 100 and 120 in the same conditions. But the 100 will have less RPM but higher torque at the same voltage! The choice is yours!
One more question which shaft is preferrable? Round or with splines? Im planning to test different propellers
Threaded for sure!
That’s it! The season is over! Until April!
Close to skate instead of fly!
My collection of tested screws.
Why dont you simply use the propeller that came with motor? Ive bought flipsky 100kv motor on11. 11 around 65000 rubles total. With propeller remote and vesc. Round shaft was out of stock so i hope the propeller will be perfect for me and i wont need to change it) Shipping to mocow. Do i need to pay taxes? Seller promissed to reduce the declared price. Does anybody has expirience shipping from ali expensive packages?
I had a purchase on Aliexpress more expensive than the amount that is taxed, but less than yours, I did not pay tax. The screw that comes with the flipsky engine is the first one in the photo, it will work, but not perfectly! If it is reduced in diameter to 150 mm, it will be better, but also not ideal! Flipsky does not produce screws, they found a suitable one on Aliexpress from 3-5 horsepower. with outboard gasoline engines, and they sell it as a set! That’s why so many screws were tested! There is a lot of this topic on the forum. Look around.
Это Al+ двухлопостной высокоскоростной винт , таких нет на али! На больших оборохах двухлопостной эфективнее трехлопостного. Мои тесты винтов показали что при оборотах выше 7000 нужно ставить двухлопостной . Это можно сравнить с мотоциклом, если поставить заднюю звезду меньше на 1 зуб то скорость станет выше + вы будете ехать увереннее на большой скорости но при этом разгонятся будет дольше.
у меня пропеллер 150 мм как раз, при 5kW 50 вольт =30км/ч на 7000оборотах
так же 12kW 70 вольт =50км/ч на 9000оборотах
New battery connectors have arrived! My homemade ones lasted one season. Rotted the plus wire. I will redo it for the new season!
Where did you get them?