Fr 2019 motor system

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David we are all shelling out good money for your normal props. Can you please explain what the ninja is and what the theory behind it is?

Its just a high speed, higher pitch prop designed for his motors. I dont think the 65161 motors have the torque for it unless you’re a lightweight. Details are on The flying Rodeo facebook page.

Thanks for tip. Yes it looks more high pitch, bit also high blade area. Higher pitch means slightly lower water friction for given thrust compared to the std 6x6”. Dont understand why it’s designed to create depression behond prop though, since there certainly aren’t any exhaust gases to evacuate.

Ive ridden the FR adapted pressure equalization cone now some sessions and can confirm that i get 10% better consumption. Cost 1€ to print, the thin vanes are brittle so handle with care during transport…


Do you have a file for the cone and how did you mount it?

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I am driving since some weeks also with a cone behind my FR Propeller but at moment without the blades. I got 10-15 minutes more time for foiling.
Next step is to print a cone with the blades.

I mount it total easy, the FR Propeller is mounted with a M8 screw. Behind that you gave around 6mm free thread. In my 3D printed cone you can easy put screw inside.

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M8 helicoil in stainless made for wood. Bauhaus have them in EU.

nice, can you share the file?

I still have FR first prop(s) , higher pitch , lower area , at the time I was hiting 38km with 3000 rpm ( maxed out torque on my gear setup ) , I really wanted to put it on the direct drive but it was made for 10mm Shaft and it is really really hard to drill …
I loved this first prop , it was giving you a kick as soon as you were above water

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I’m up for a ninja prop only if available!

F360 file Cone with swirl fins, only 1mm thick. I printed in ABS and coated with thick epoxy. Needs M8 insert designed for 11mm hole. Link was also posten in another thread. Hope link works, F360 might require paid subscription now.

cone with blades for FR

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thanks, but unfortunately without the ability to download.

I’d like to try it, could you upload a file to grabcad or thinginverse? Step would be nice, (not only stl) so it could be modified for different axles.



thanks for sharing seems download link is disabled

@flIf it’s not too late, please put me down for a 6”.


Uploaded the FR swirlcone to grabcad. Hope it works for you guys.


Many thanks for the sharing. i’ll printed and test next week, i’ll tell you the result with my configuration

Why it is not possible to share it in Fusion?
Doese that feature now not work?

thanks, this does look very promising. Would be nice to have it in aluminium or even combined with the FR prop as one system.

With rpm is optimal for FR Prop about 40km/h?