Hydro V1/ SSS 56104 / NEUGART PLE 40 / 12s12p 18650 VTC6 /SWORDFISH 300pro +


Very nice , are you sure the red part will take the load apply by the mast ?

I don’t know, I printed in PETG, infill 100%, the plate is fixed on the mast with 4 M6X20 rain and the mast attaches well to the board with the 4 M6 X40

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Receipt of the BMS, waiting for the NKON package


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Nice solution with the spacer at the mast plate. But where the wires goes into the board. Water still can come in. Did you glue it inside or how did you do this ?

And the water hose does slide in a bit ? Otherwise it looks like it will bend too much ?when mounting the plate to the board

Thank you,
Concerning the various cables and pipes it passes through a trunking which joins the main box with cable glands
 I had made a test without electronics and the water did not enter

For the water hose even if after the different assembly and disassembly of the mast I have never encountered any pinching I actually intend to put an elbow connection.
And right now I’m printing a new, more streamlined mast spacer.


Bonjour Manu,
je suis Francais et souhaite monter un projet similaire. Le variateur que tu utilises permet il d origine un refroidissement par eau stp? Quelle est sa ref stp?
Le moteur peut prendre l eau sans probleme?

Hello @Cdzkefoil
L’ESC est un swordfish pro plus 300 ampĂšres et effectivement le circuit de refroidissement est intĂ©grĂ©. Quand au moteur il est redu Ă©tanche une fois placĂ© dans le tube, il s’agit du montage de pacificmeister n’hĂ©site pas aller voir sur son post:

Here we should write all in English

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@nice2cu, Going just for you so you don’t miss any of the threads of discussion:

Hello @Cdzkefoil
The ESC is a swordfish pro plus 300 amps and actually the cooling circuit is integrated. As for the engine it is reduced tight once placed in the tube, it is the assembly of pacificmeister do not hesitate to go to see on its post:

if you have this that can help you:

Yours sincerely

No Word just picture :

Yes, and I got too a PN that I should write in English :wink:

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hello Cdzkefoil
I am also French, if water gets into the engine, don’t worry, it will work, but it will have to be cleaned very quickly because the bearings will not like it!


Merci pour ta rep je quitte malheureusement ce forum ne parlant pas anglais. Je tenterai de trouver des infos sur un forum francais ou facebook. Desolé de ne pas pouvoir ecrire en anglais.

Utilise Google translate et Google chrome! Sers toi de cette opportunitĂ© pour apprendre et t’amĂ©liorer! Ce forum est de loin la meilleure source pour construire un efoil!

Use Google translate! Use this as an opportunity to improve your English! This forum is the best place to learn how to build an efoil.


It would indeed be a shame to give up your project just for that, look above I put the link of the translator I use (less and less) you’ll see the progress you’ll make in English in addition to enjoying your foil.

Il serait effectivement dommage de renoncer à ton projet juste pour ça, regarde plus haut j’ai mis le lien du traducteur dont je me sert ( de moins en moins ) tu verras les progrùs que tu feras en anglais en plus de te faire plaisir à monter ton foil

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OK, thanks. I’m looking for the exact ref of the motor I see a 56105 500KV is this good please? and in battery they are 12s (44.4v) please?

ok merci. Je cherche la ref exacte du moteur je vois un 56105 500KV est ce bien svp? et en accu ce sont bien des 12s (44.4v) svp?

in terms of battery, what do you recommend? lipo 12s in how many mah for what duration of use please?