Lift Jet - Jet propulsion for Lift eFoils?

While you dump efficiency, its actually easier for beginners learning. If you find yourself teaching friends a lot and don’t mind less efficiency, then its a great option.

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Check this video where Nick Leason states that there isn’t a difference in efficiency. It’s around 2:15 in the vid

I personally think he is off on this claim but I also don’t ride Lift full production equipment so can’t really claim first hand that he is.

If a “jet drive” brings comfort to safety minded families or makes an Efoil ‘legal’ to ride (Canada for example) then more people will participate. Battery quality and capacity factors are good these days so if a pack lasts 1 hr vs 1.5 that’s not a big deal imo. A DIY rider capable of building their own battery pack could have 2 or 3 packs for a session so runtime I’m not sure is a factor.

@Foilguy did you add this Lift “jet” to your board? I seem to recall a while ago you mentioned something about it.

I have been experimenting with various DIY components to see if I can get something to work with my current motor.

The Lift Jet product is sort of spendy and would likely be challenging to adapt to my motor.

Do we know any interface mounts, photos or basis to know how challenging? I am interested in adapting it to a 65150 10mm threaded motor if it can be done somewhat elegantly.

I asked about measurements of the Lift product here and didn’t get a response, also can’t find any detailed info on web searching.

If you decide to buy one I would appreciate you posting some info.:grinning:

I’m also curious about your choice of motor for this purpose?

Yes for sure. But I also need to see it and understanding how challenging adapting it will be before pulling the trigger.

I choose my motor (120kv) before Jet was under consideration. I run with 14s. What are you running?

I use a 10S11P 21700 pack that a number of us found. Using with a Fliteboard 100l with FS 65161 120 motor (Their G7 group kit) on a Gong 85 aluminum mast and L size XOver wing

Just run a 100mm 6inch pitch prop and see how your 120kv motor handles it.

Is this the size and pitch of the three blade Flite Jet “prop” ?

I don’t know what the flite jet prop size is. Never really bothered caring enough to calculate exactly what it is.

Sorry my bad I meant Lift not Flite

This is a screengrab of the prop or “impeller” from this video

Just scale and measure the prop. We know the diameter of the lift motor is 67mm

To adapt a 65161 10mm threaded shaft for a Lift prop, one idea is to use an adapter. I think Lift uses 12mm with 4mm center screw for prop, and it would look something like this: OD 12mm, ID 10mm, M4 centertap


Downside is it extends the jet further back from the motor by the depth of the M4 screw.

Is this the motor you are referring to?

Oops. I meant the 65161 120kv.

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I’m having trouble visualizing your idea.

To me keeping the Lift impeller at the same location within the duct would be very important for it to function as designed.

Can you do a simple sketch of how the components would fit together?:grinning:

I agree, it must. But the whole assembly will need to be set further back from the motor to make room for a mount adapter and a propeller adapter.

If I figure out something of course. But for now just noodling (with the render above) what the interface element connecting Flipsky shaft to Lift prop would look like. The top piece is the interface element the bottom tube is the Flipsky shaft.


Here’s one for $225, just happened across it. I bet you can make it work once you buy it and are committed!
(Sorry, just realized this Facebook link might not work)