Maxime_ecn slow build / TP4070-V1 / Reisenauer 6:1 / 12S li-ion / VESC 100A / Horue Foil

Here ?
The shop burned back in 2017 when i wanted to start my built , it seems open now !

@maxime_ecn , you should have enough power :wink:

Nice, i’m curious about this propeller, keep us updated :blush:

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It’s quite a power-hungry prop, but with a foil it should be a bit different beast altogether.
One recommendation for your setup is to make sure both the gear and motor are properly heatsinked. I noticed when I tested the setup that both produce a bit of heat. I had started cutting the aluminium pieces, but never finished.

where did you purchase that green prop ?

it looks very nice

Hi, i made it myself with my 3D printer. Not tested yet

Slowly making progress…
I Need to cut the central tube and make that 3D printed part in aluminium


Above 50kmph (30 knots), falling off the board could mean loosing a eardrum + soar neck. Kiteboarders wear a helmet that hide ears (for ex Gath helmets) otherwise earplugs. That’s where board foothooks become useful NSI Foothooks otherwise we will soon see efoil riders holding a leash attached to the board nose like esurfs.
Foothooks are expensive. It’s possible to make DiYs using a PVC pipe (and hot water) filled with epoxy resin for extra stiffness and durability.

Hey guys, I need an advice on mast length.Currently i have 92cm but it seems really high. Which length is the best?

That was exactly one year ago so opinions might have changed. New foilers appreciate 65/70cm. The ones used to 90cm either regret their lost 90cm or don’t want to use anything else. To get best of both worlds, buy a cheap 65/70cm and adapt it. Once you feel confident, try your 90cm mast. Choice is luxury.
Then there is the cable length issue: don’t cut your motor cables too short if it is possible.

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I tested 45-50cm and 60-65cm
45-50cm was short and my motor often ended up spinning in the air…
I feel 60cm-65cm is a great length and easy to carry.

Thanks for your answers. I will try at 90 and cut it if it’s too long :blush:

Beware that the thread is often 3/5 cm long on each side of the mast. So cutting = making 2 or 3 new threads.
Never seen one: could you post a pict of the Horue mast airfoil section with chord length;max thickness and screw hole distance :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s not a horue mast, bought it from ebay at a very good price :
see the link for specs.
They also make the black part to fix the mast to the board for 77€ (they have an efoil version with 3 holes for the motor cables)
The brand is RLboards you can contact them on facebook

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By 'Black part to fix to the mast" I suppose you mean the plate.
49 then 45€ is really a very good price for such a long mast. Gong is 79€ for such a length but their plate cost 29€. So mast + plate price are comparable for both manufacturers.
How much did they ask for the shipping from DE ?

It is very interesting to follow the evolution between 2017 until now… they have inserted a ‘I beam’. They offer a high wall thickness comparable to Axis masts.
[Edit] Thanks V_S for mast and wall thickness of this RL Wind version.

15mm as shown, Wallthickness ist 3mm +0-0,1

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Yes the plate sorry :joy:
Yes it’s cheaper than what you can find on aliexpress etc. I think it’s a great source for efoil parts.
For the mast shipping was free because i have a friend in germany (i’m living in France really close to the border).
For the plate i paid 12€ shipping to Germany and they were asking 22€ to France.
If i remember the mast was sent directly from Czech republic.

The 45€ deal for a 90cm doesn’t seem to be available any more.
Looking at the FB page.

Maybe an old stock…

Just received some nice CNC parts from China. My build is slowly making progress :blush:


Looks great!!! Glad to see it’s taking shape.