Prop design share

sure, i was just trying to use a motor i already have. But finally it works quite well, i also reduced length of cooling tube

I got the inner dia increased in a lathe. There is a small gap between prop and main body. But it’s ok. I tried the foil today works great. Thank you for all the assistance. I am greatful.


Printed a custom shroud for this to fit my 70165 motor and now printing this prop, gonna compare this, another prop design from Thingiverse and the Flipsky prop, we will see how it goes :slight_smile:

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I’ve been using that prop as well on a 65161 motor. It’s very quiet once up on foil, which is nice. My only point of comparison is the Flite prop. It does have less thrust than the Flite prop and takes more throttle to build up speed for takeoff. If you’re on a gun case it might be difficult, but you will have a bigger motor so maybe it will be fine. Curious to see how it works for you

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Had this disaster print of the previous model as I tried to print it without supports but warping if the ASA-GF was pretty intense during print.

But this new design came out pretty nice, you can see the prop from the first picture also sanded and cleaned up, so I think with some light sanding and clean up its gonna look really nice.

I also have the first print, printed with minimal supports and clearly need some cleanup, but I will clean up them all and compare, will get metrics from a METR later when I start testing board to compare how all the props perform in real life.


Wouldn’t this been an option for maybe better balance point. To bring the motor in front of the mast with a special propeller like an airplane got it. What do you guys think?

I would be concerned about destroying the prop in a collision with a log, rock, sand bank, etc. Still I would love to see someone try it on their e-foil

Hitting those things is always to avoid. It only needs this type of prop. Everything else is the same as known already but the other way around.

I think a prop in front is WAY more dangerous!

I mean it is a really nice looking proof of concept however, it is also very clear that the maker in question has no clue about boats and this is made for a place with unlimited depth i.e. mediterrainian and alike.

Not only is prop facing forward, not only is it below the air foil, I mean if it it put it at the same level as the foil it could be like a plane and add additional lift to the wing but they also is the absolute lowest point of the entire craft, the thing spinning x1000 RPM is the first that’s touching anything, super bad idea.

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I wouldn’t put it in the deepest point. Still put it on the mast. Still the front wing as the first edge. Only twist the common motor Position 180 degree. Better balancepoint as the main advantage. But maybe not worth it, even its not such a big deal. Excluding the design and print of the special prop.

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I believe that’s the answer to your question.

Very smart engineers, design professionals working for the big firms such as Lift, Flite etc.

If your idea had merit they would have done it already.

Rather than propose a lot of ideas why don’t you take on one - build it and share the results?

@foilguy have you enough skills to design the prop?

I don’t know what prop you are asking about?

Please give a little thought about how and what you post. You ask a LOT of questions but don’t seem to actually work on anything yourself.

Of course I mean the prop above, whats wrong with you my friend? What do you think a forum is for?


What do I think.

Intelligent exchange of ideas,
Demonstrating ability to make something with the goal of helping others.
Sharing knowledge of projects you have relevant knowledge of.

IMO that does not include having to guess what someone is asking about.

IGNORE ON. I find your posts tiring!

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I think facebook should be your forum. There you find a lot people with the same interests like yourself. Main target of you seems bashing people. Found some similar posts from you and also some try of building a battery for a fliteboard with trash inside and not waterproof . As a nice guy, here is a good link to help you out. And surely save you and your board from burning down. You will also find my solution for a diy fliteboard battery there. Maybe you didn’t find before.
Please do not bother me again. If you not interested in my posts leave them without comment by the side, I will do it with yours from now on.
Luckily every other guys here are fabulous and outstanding and know how to behave. Never had any situation like that before. Thanks to all of you, for all your help and good ideas. Keep going.

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Hey everyone,

I used 3d Scan of a propeller inspired by the Flite Prop and adapted it for use with a standard threaded shaft, such as the Flipsky 65161 motor.

I’m not sure about the legal stuff of sharing a Flite style propeller - could this be an issue? I want to avoid getting in trouble.

If you’re interested, let me know!

Best wishes from Hamburg,


You say you designed it? Looks like the 3d scan someone provided on the forum and then made the appropriate mods for the mounting.

No, it’s just an adaption for the threated Shaft, but it works great. I really liked the propeller and found it a shame that there wasn’t an adaptation, yet.

Here we go: