Support of Pacificmeister

I’m starting this thread as a means to vocalize our support for the founder of this forum. He has posted about his tragic situation on a separate thread but disabled the ability to comment directly. Please take a minute to read that topic and consider providing some financial support in his time of need.

I personally wish to thank him for providing us a space to interact and learn.

Although I’m saddened to hear of his current situation I’m confident his joy of life and learning will allow him to bounce back quickly.


Do you have a link to the thread @pacificmeister posted in?

Disregard I found it.

Still in shock that this happened! Link to story:

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Such an amazing forum and supportive group. We splash out on handsets and esc’s and 21700’s without much thought. To my way of thinking the least we can do is support Pacificmeister with a few bucks. What an horrendous experience and terribly difficult time for all those people.


100%. This is such an amazing forum, I’ve learnt so much from it. Thanks Merten for creating this. Let us know when you’re back on your feet - I’ll send you some parts to help get you back in the workshop and water.


Without this forum I probably would not be efoiling. So thankyou Merten! I hope you can get back to your work soon.

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Thank you all for your support my friends. I didn’t mean to disable comments on my thread, I will try to fix that. Thank you :pray:


The internet as a whole feels like its been slowly filling up with more noise, engagement algorithms, advertising, and more recently AI slop. I think forums like Foil.Zone remain one of the few places where a bit of the “old internet” still exists driven by a natural pace of human interaction. I really value it for this and I’m very grateful for what I’ve been able to learn here. I’ve enjoyed many hours out on the water and look forward to many more. It wouldn’t have been possible without Foil.Zone, so thank you @pacificmeister. I hope the recovery fund can help you bounce back and also lift your spirits a bit as you navigate through that process



I hope this finds you safe. Risk seems to be ongoing as the disaster expands.

Can you let us know how you are doing? Obviously completely at your convenience or desire to talk about it. Just know we are thinking of you.

Take care!



Nice to see that you are putting thing back even better than before! Congrats!