Waterproof remote, options in 2023

Hi, I lost my Maytech Eskate Remote for Electric Skateboard VESC MTSKR2005WF V2
It was not any good, so I wonder if you guys have a good experience with some really waterproof remote for a reasonable price. I found this thread, but it is a bit outdated.

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Hi ogy, I think Flipsky VX3 is actually a good option and you can get it about 100EUR.

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Or this DIY project…

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What about @Felixfoiler Felixremote?

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Didn’t test that felixremote because of the high price. What I also like about the vx3 is that there is a reverse button, if you fall the board comes back to you with that button. Also safety feature I think. Got a problem with sticking front lever in full throttle because spring brokes inside while riding with the maytech remote. Which I think is poor quality. For Controlling the board I had to use the reverse button. Otherwise the board had gone wild. Does anybody know other waterproof remote with forward and reverse option? Breremote can handle this I think even stearing. But all DIY, much more time to get it ready but never try.

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I’ve been using the felixremote and it’s an awesome remote and well worth the price. Don’t know when he will start building new remotes though, they’ve been on backorder for a loooong time.


Can you please share link to some specs?

Not sure of what you want to know. It does everything I expect from a remote including float when dropped in the water. Works great with vesc and you can read all the telemetry you need from the screen. The receiver has a gps-antenna so you can read speed and stats related to that. There’s also support for importing the rides to the felixremote-app but I haven’t tried that. No range issues when using it with my tow boogie. Build quality is top notch.


I agree Felix Remote is very nice and working great so far anyway. Used it two seasons now.
Unfortunately the price has gone up on it in reality after it moved to Canada. So you need to add tax to the price, so it is quite expensive.
The other alternatives like Flipsky and Maytech I would say is not possible to use in water without using a plastic bag as protection if you want it to stay alive more than two-three seasons.
I have Maytech remote also, two of them have died after some use, now I use my other still working maytech with a small plastic bag as protection and think that is working well also.
But of course, felix remote is nicer with all loggings and speed etc directly in the remote when using VESC.
I think BREmote looks very nice if you want to build it yourself and planing to build one in the winter to have one or two spare ones in case one remote stops working

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I agree, Fero is really high quality, reliable remote. only thing not so good is logging, but they should improve it soon. For telemetry there is no match for Metr.

There is option to buy Fero in US from another brand (it is not even sold as Fero) - price is much higher and buyer should contact company first to check availability, but if you are in hurry and money is no object, here is your chance, FLIFOIL SURGE REMOTE – FliFoil


What I don’t like about MayTech are the following things:

  • Doesnt float
  • Is sort of waterproof in a lake, But salt water just kills it. Just because the display PCB is not sealed.
  • Very poor documentation. I had a hard time wiring it up. The battery level didn’t work.

If the Flipsky VX3 is better in any of these aspects I will buy it.

Flexi remote looks great, but the price is too high. And also it is not available right now.

I will definitely build the Bremote as well.

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BREmote is the future!


Hi! I ride the new Flifoil Surge board that comes with the Surge (felix) remote, and its really impressive quality, it’s one of the highlights of this board, also the fast-charging Samsung battery and the board is super light. Flifoil sources the best quality parts from around the world to build with. I love them. they are an Arizona Brand.

Hi @ogy, I have a brand new Felix remote remote and receiver for sale if you are still looking?

$500AUD, can ship easy enough.


Hi @EfoilLover! I know that remote is awesome, but aren’t you owner of Flifoil? I don’t think it’s cool to shill your own brand like you just did here. I believe you have quality efoils, but let your customers judge.


LOL, yes, I am one of the owners, as you can see from my profile. However, like you said yourself, “Fero is really high quality, reliable remote”. I 100% agree and will always speak highly of our brand because I think it is excellent quality. It would be weird if I didn’t. Flifoil sourced the best products from all over the world to build the new Surge and I absolutely love it! :surfing_man: I stand by our brand as both a consumer, business owner and water enthusiast.

Also, cudos on the vocab! I haven’t actually heard or seen anyone use the word shill in before. I’m impressed! A bit harsh though but no worries friend :smiley:

Anyway, swing by Arizona any time and give it a try I’m on the water as often as possible :call_me_hand:

My name is Amber by the way! Cheers!


Is the Felix remote still available, I would like to buy it? Thank you. Marin

Sorry sold it to another forum member.

I just bought a Volt 4 remote from manta foils! It’s pretty similar to the felix remote for features. Seems pretty cool but really expensive.

Regarding the Volt 4, looks nice, do you know if the receiver box has a port for coupling an external antenna?