Zesc Raiden-7 new 16s ESC for us Efoilers

Got any pics? I’d be interested to see the issues.



The board was deflated, on inflation the defect is not visible. vlastimil found it necessary to repair the board.
And I too am curious about the outcome of this adventure

That’s interesting… I think that delamination might happen quite often with the “carbon” boards. I’ll have to check the 2 I have here and see if they show the same issues after a bit of use…

The one I bought had 7 outlets and was Vlastimil’s old board. @nice2cu Has no problem with his 3 MALA boards, 2 of which are carbon.
And now my big problem is that I’m nearing the end of the case and I don’t know where my MALA board is …:rage:

Be patiently :wink:

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1st : still no news from Vlastimil who holds the MALA board …
2nd : I have wired the ZESC RAIDEN 7 :
Thanks @brycej for the link to the 16-4 pods


Is this a metr you connected to the raiden? And the push button switch is to switch on/off the whole system?

What is that grey box between NEG and blue wire?

That is the metr CAN device.

It is indeed the metr pro can with the GPS module. The switch is for the power supply of the ZESC.
I have just added 2 cable glands to move the VX3 receiver and the GPS module to the front of the board.


Hope your metr will be work.
Last year i did the same but with an metr PRO ( UART )
When i push the gas, i loose always the connection to my mobilephone.
I think the phase wires from the VESC to the motor was to close to the metr device and makes probles.
I made an waterproof connector out of the box, wired all pins with special cables and the metr and the receiver are inside a external waterproof platik box.
Works now fine :slight_smile:

Ok thanks. I will test in a first time in the box (CAN port) and if I meet problems I will also deport the metr.pro module.

Robert, mine also started working 2020Nov all of a sudden without any hardware change at all. I just assumed it was an Metr update. Its still Part version paired to trampa 75/300

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funny, i changed to the metr can version and had since that also no problems.
but i let that configuration because my VX3 needs a UART Connector and i dont want use the uSplit at moment.

Tried to buy today (based on several forums advice), but it is out of stock. I need an ESC in the next 3 months, any alternative buy sites, or anyone know when the Raiden-7 will be back in stock? (not sure if they only sell direct?) TIA

I have just received a reply from the RAIDEN 7 team:

Thank you for contacting us. Due to the shortage of chips, R7 is now out of stock. The return date is TBA. I hope we can cooperate in the future.

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Shortage of chips ? Oh God, that’s why semiconductors are skyrocketing again. Damn this is déjà vu

Try buying one 75/200 clone on a EU warehouse from Banggood if they have. Otherwise even from China it shouldn’t take more than 3 weeks.

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MakerX or Firduo still have 75200 in stock.

The Raiden-7 board cost 189usd when launched last April 2019.
Component shortage/Covid/… it is 249usd today nov 2021, ie +32% increase. It will probably be more as soon as they are back in stock.