Hello fellow EFoil enthusiasts!
I’m a long time surfer who has also dabbled in kiteboarding and foiling in the past. Recently, I’ve started competing in competitive wakeboarding and I’m now looking to take on the challenge of foiling. However, as a newcomer to the world of foiling, I’m wondering if it’s feasible for a beginner like myself to build my own efoil.
I’ve read that building your own foil is quite difficult, and I must admit that I’m relatively new to building things. That said, I’m a university student studying computer science in Texas and I’m very interested in taking on this project. I’ve always been amazed by the videos of people gliding through the air on a foil they build themselves, and I would love to gain the knowledge and experience from building my own efoil.
I do have a 3D printer, although I must admit that I’m not the best at 3D modeling. Additionally, my wakeboarding team has a partnership with Slingshot, so I can get a pretty good discount with them.
What do you think, is it reasonable for a beginner like me to attempt building an efoil? I’ve been lurking in these forums for some time and I see that it is extremely difficult for them to be built by beginners such as myself. I have a friend who builds surfboards, however, and perhaps I could ask him for help building that (which seems like the most difficult part from my view). I do have some experience in the esk8 community but this seems like a whole different game. Any advice (including negative) or resources would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your input!