I have a bit of composites experience, have also done electric builds for some years and i’ve got tools, still i think it wouldn’t have been an enormous task if i’d done it as a 20yo.
The biggest issue for you is the apartment… these builds suit a garage or house better, they’re dirty, toxic and flammable if you’re not careful. You’ll have to find a workaround to this.
It helps if you got a basic understanding of electrical systems and power, if you’re struggling there it will be hard to make the right choices without asking about every little detail. Seems like your plans are spot on in general 
Board is not complicated, it can look like a five year old did it as long as it got the right volume and size. Cutting an existing board is the easiest route, old windsurfer with volume and the likes. Around 160cm, 80-100l would be conservative but you can go smaller.
Battery: is normally the biggest part of any build, not many prebuilt ones available that don’t cost too much. I’d buy some used EV cells, or if you don’t want to solder balance leads get some 6s lipo bricks from any of the RC brands.
(These pose a higher risk for fire so i wouldn’t actually recommend this even if it works for an abundance of people in the RC community)
Don’t get a chinese battery from some seller on ebay or aliexpress. These are fake or poorly built in too many cases.
Box: get an IP67 or 68 rated enclosure and install that in the board if you want the easy route. Pelican case is a great option.
Esc: many working out there, i’d get a VESC 75200 but that’s got a learning curve before using. There’s plenty of help here though.
Motor: many working alternatives, i’d get a 65161 or 65162 with threaded shaft in 100-120kV
Propeller: many working alternatives out there. I’d get a flite prop but it needs boring out to fit the shaft. Otherwise an eml prop that is bolt on (maybe my first choice for a first build actually
I personally wouldn’t choose the flying rodeo prop, i’ve tried it, it’s great but i suddenly understood why people were so concerned with finger chopping and propeller ducts.
(Many will probably object to my thinking on this, it’s my personal preference.)
The flite prop on the other hand is blunt - I think at least with gloves you could put your hand in it with only bruising as the result.
Foil: depends mainly on skills.
Don’t get a super small, fast wing as a first, as that will push both your abilities and load the rest of the system hard. You can switch later on so choose a foil brand if you have any preference.
Remote: i’ve tried a few but cannot recommend one, others will have to chime in. So far i actually like wired throttle better (but most people would likely disagree).