Foil Drive Assist, DIY

Hi all,

@Jezza could you please let me know how are you powering the maytech remote with the APD 120?

I’ve purchased one and I’m setting it up. Looks like needs powering from an additional source?



I run a separate HV bec to supply voltage to the receiver.

few shots from my build.



A few days ago I was ready to pull the trigger on a Foil Drive Assist + (~$4000) to equip my surf board.
I found out this thread which is interesting, especially because some mention that FoilDrive is basically a set of ~$700 Chinese parts.

Is it a realistic statement?
Could I really buy the individual parts from AliExpress for $700 and mount them without much more work than if I bought a $4000 FoilDrive ?

I am an experienced DIY guy, I shape my own boards with epoxy and stuffs.
But if I have to put 100 hours into building my own FauxDrive, it makes up for the $ difference.

Thanks for sharing your experience

That could be a thread: Who can buid a FDA for 700usd today ? Post your BOM.
As a start, just type “” in the search function

@Jan3 Foil Drive Assist, DIY - #108 by Jan3 in Dec. 2021
@Strongarm 'Foil Drive Assist, DIY - #187 by Strongarm in Feb. 2022
@tarquin2481 'Foil Drive Assist, DIY - #513 by tarquin2481 in Nov. 2022

Lately, @gzmann has moved from the 150A Flycolor Flydragon ESC to the strong but inexpensive 80A one saving 100 bucks.
'Foil Drive Assist, DIY - #699 by gzmann


hi, could you share those cable ties? I suppose they will be published elsewhere but I can’t find them

I think the 6S FauxDrive is easy enough to DIY. I’ve built three now. Price comes in around $1200-$1300AUD parts only. Time to build gets shorter the more you know. But probably at least 10-20 hours each if you know what to do. My first kit was a 3 month build and a total load of guess work.

You do need to have an access to a free 3D printing service to make it economical. Otherwise add another couple hundred dollars for the pods by a print bureau.

Get the batteries built by a professional.

Foil Drive have a great product in the plus 8S battery model and now cedrus version. Plenty of people here loving them.

One benefit of going the DIY option is when it stops working you can fix it. Because let’s face it every electronic item dipped in saltwater is going to break eventually.


Anyone, would you post your latest FDA-FDA+ DIY part list ?

Maytech wireless remote - $165

Speed Controller
Turnigy 150A Marine ESC - $100
Hobbyking (often low stock)
Other options are flycolour or seaking

6374 or 6384 - 130kV - Motor - $120US + post
SAITE motors - Epoxy coated - Ceramic bearings - cut of shaft.

Waterproof Boxes
Explorer 1908- $65 (big box lots of space)
Hibox EN-AT-1027 -$30 same as FD

6S3P - 21700 cells
Amass XT90 connectors (hobbyking) these are good for batteries or cable splices. Find a local battery builder a small 18 cell battery is around $400-$500 plus post plus charger.

Battery monitor - $5

Prints and Pods
Mast mount - 3D printed in PETG
Cable guides - 3D printed in PETG
Props SLS Nylon - circa $65 for 2
Try Zelta3D or DIY

EML-store do a great after market folding prop. Out of Germany.

I got one on an early bird deal and it works great. About 160mm diameter.

I have also made my own props using SLS Nylon printed blades. These also work good.

Motor Cable 2.5mm2 2C+E Aristoflex- $10 from REXEL Or use Lapp OFlex ordered online.

Lapp stainless cable glands about $20 each. Or cheap nylon glands also work but less robust if cable is pulled on.


Have flex shafts been considered to remove the drag?

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Build it yourself.
The minute something breaks on the 4k outfit, you will regret not building your own. A simple 3$ part will cost you 200$

It is easy and you will understand how to fix/replace everything. You can even make yourself a 10s battery and never have an issue of getting up on foil.


Totally agree. Things will go wrong at some point with these and the genuine foil assist. I feel much happier knowing i can repair or replace all parts for a fraction of the cost. Here in the UK you can build an entire foil assist plus for £700. The retail price for the genuine article is over £3500.

If the 6384 motor needs replacing, it is £50 compared to hundreds.

Have anyone thought of mimicking the design of the Stoke foiling with this build? Using same components but housing the electronics and battery inside one unit together with the motor. Sounds like a more efficient design with no bulky box on top of the board and less drag from the thick cable.

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So the resistance of a submerged battery worries you less than thick cables?

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Yes, there is a 2yo thread about it.
Sleek design but 4500usd for the Stoke system is a bit steep.
Too powerful to be plane compatible, they carefully forgot to mention the battery capacity.

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Well actually they used very precise electrical language “50 starts”. You will have to Google that for a precise definition :grinning:

It baffles me they would develop what appears to be at least in the photos a nice looking product but leave out any real specifications :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Don’t worry, lift has done the same on their gen 4 batteries. They’ve told everyone it can do 2.5hrs instead of giving any useful details.

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I just tested the Maytech 6384 motor with AXIS ART 999 foil. ESC Flycolor 80A, 8S battery. I can fly with this wing without any problems, there is enough power, the speed is high, I am very pleased with the motor. After 10 minutes, the regulator stopped working, I will understand the reasons.

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Which maytech motor is this? 6384 or 6374? What do you weigh? Which prop are you using?

Correction, motor 6374 Waterproof Outrunner 150KV. My weight is 78 kilograms. My prop is a variant of the Volker prop with folding blades.