VX3 repair/ maintenance - helpful info

I’ve had a VX3 remote for over 12 months, it has been working ok, throttle response isn’t that great but it works fine for most applications.

I set it up as a temporary Remote for a Boogie for a friend while i wait for the new remote to arrive and the range was bad, and got worse and worse over 2-3 sessions.

I opened it up and noticed that the flexible antenna had lost its coating and the salt water was causing it to effectively short out.

I opened it up, coated with a thin layer of lacquer and then a thicker layer of silicone. Now it works fine. This should almost be done as a preventative maintenance for the remote before you get stuck out and need to swim in.

Seems to be working great now.


Would you have pictures of these steps ?

Sorry, but then my hands were covered in glue and sealant/adhesive.

All you need to do is seal off the exposed copper.

Surprising that they don’t just throw it in the potting, I guess it stops the signal? Maybe Ill just pot the rest of mine with normal epoxy. A little extra heft can’t be a problem.

Did you replace the rusting screws?
Can you tell which screws are these in order to order stainless steel?

Pictures of VX3 disassembly.
Coating antenna with lacquer.
Replacing screws with stainless steel.
Notice: bit have to be thin and long.

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How to lock VX3?

It powers locked. And after unlocking I haven’t found a way to lock it.

Turn it off is the only way that I know of

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No auto lock that I could find. Would have been so simple for flipsky to implement as well - the already had the unlock procedure in code!

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